Physiological responses to salt stress by native and introduced red algae in New Zealand

  • Gambichler, Vanessa (Institute of Biological Sciences, Applied Ecology and Phycology, University of Rostock) ;
  • Zuccarello, Giuseppe C. (School of Biological Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington) ;
  • Karsten, Ulf (Institute of Biological Sciences, Applied Ecology and Phycology, University of Rostock)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.15
  • 심사 : 2021.06.10
  • 발행 : 2021.06.15


Intertidal macroalgae are regularly exposed to hypo- or hypersaline conditions which are stressful. However, red algae in New Zealand are generally poorly studied in terms of salinity tolerance. Consequently, two native (Bostrychia arbuscula W. H. Harvey [Ceramiales], Champia novae-zelandiae [J. D. Hooker & Harvey] Harvey [Rhodymeniales]) and one introduced red algal taxon (Schizymenia spp. J. Agardh [Nemastomatales]) were exposed for 5 days in a controlled salt stress experiment to investigate photosynthetic activity and osmotic acclimation. The photosynthetic activity of B. arbuscula was not affected by salinity, as reflected in an almost unchanged maximum quantum yield (Fv/Fm). In contrast, the Fv/Fm of C. novae-zelandiae and Schizymenia spp. strongly decreased under hypo- and hypersaline conditions. Treatment with different salinities led to an increase of the total organic osmolyte concentrations with rising salt stress in B. arbuscula and Schizymenia spp. In C. novae-zelandiae the highest organic osmolyte concentrations were recorded at SA 38, followed by declining amounts with further hypersaline exposure. In B. arbuscula, sorbitol was the main organic osmolyte, while the other taxa contained floridoside. The data presented indicate that all three red algal species conspicuously differ in their salt tolerance. The upper intertidal B. arbuscula exhibited a wide salinity tolerance as reflected by unaffected photosynthetic parameters and strong sorbitol accumulation under increasing salinities, and hence can be characterized as euryhaline. In contrast, the introduced Schizymenia spp. and native C. novae-zelandiae, which preferentially occur in the mid-intertidal, showed a narrower salinity tolerance. The species-specific responses reflect their respective vertical positions in the intertidal zone.



Vanessa Gambichler thanks the DAAD for a PROMOS Scholarship supporting her research stay in New Zealand. We thank Maren Preuss for her help collecting samples for this study, and all her intellectual input, as well as Ken Ryan, John van der Sman and Neville Higgison for their technical support. We also thank Julianne Müller for her support with the HPLC.


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