신발 착용 유무에 따른 20대 성인의 동적 균형 및 다리의 근활성도 변화 비교

Comparison of Changes in Dynamic Balance and Leg Muscle Activity in Adults in Their 20s With or Without Shoes

  • 안수홍 (동의대학교 보건의과학대학원) ;
  • 이수경 (동의대학교 물리치료학과) ;
  • 양주희 (동의대학교 보건의과학대학원) ;
  • 조재성 (부산워크재활병원 물리치료실) ;
  • 박진성 (주식회사 다온웰니스)
  • Ahn, Su-Hong (Department of Biomedical Health Science, Graduate School, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Lee, Su-Kyong (Department of Physical Therapy, College of Nersing and Healthcare Sciences, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Yang, Ju-Hui (Department of Biomedical Health Science, Graduate School, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Jo, Jae-Sung (Department of Physical Therapy, Walk Rehabilitation Hospital) ;
  • Park, Jin-Sung (Daonwellness Corp.)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.18
  • 심사 : 2021.04.27
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in the dynamic balance and leg muscle activity of adults in their 20s with or without shoes. Methods: In this study, seven male and 11 female university students in their 20s were randomized to determine the order of being with or without shoes, and the dominant foot was supported on the central platform of dynamic balance according to the order procedure. Using the opposite foot, the distance of leg stretching in the anterior, posterior medial, and posterior lateral directions and the muscle activity of the supporting leg were measured. Muscle activity measurement sites were attached to the dominant vastus medialis oblique muscle, vastus lateral oblique muscle, tibialis anterior muscle, peroneus longus muscle, and lateral gastrocnemius muscle. Results: As a result of this study, the distance of leg stretching was significantly increased in the anterior, posterior medial, and posterior lateral directions when barefoot rather than when wearing shoes (p < 0.05). The muscle activity of the vastus medial and lateral oblique muscles was significantly increased in all three directions when barefoot rather than when wearing shoes (p < 0.05). The muscle activity of the tibialis anterior was significantly increased in the anterior direction when barefoot (p < 0.05), the peroneus longus muscle was significantly increased when it was barefoot in the posterior medial direction (p < 0.05), and the lateral gastrocnemius muscle activity significantly increased when barefoot in the posterior direction (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The movement of the legs is freed when barefoot as compared to when wearing shoes, and being barefoot can effectively activate muscle activity and improve balance ability.



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