Sorption of Pd on illite, MX-80 bentonite and shale in Na-Ca-Cl solutions

  • 투고 : 2019.01.08
  • 심사 : 2020.09.02
  • 발행 : 2021.03.25


This paper examines sorption of Pd(II) onto illite, MX-80 bentonite, and Queenston shale in Na-Ca-Cl solutions of varying ionic strength (IS) from 0.01 to 6.0 mol/L (M) and pHc ranging from 3 to 9 under atmospheric conditions. A 2-site protolysis non-electrostatic surface complexation and cation exchange model was applied to the Pd sorption onto illite and MX-80 using PHREEQC, and the model results were compared to the experimental ones obtained in this work. Surface complexation and cation exchange constants were estimated for both illite and MX-80 through the optimization process to bring the predicted distribution coefficients from the model into alignment with the experimentally derived values. These optimized surface complexation constants were compared to existing linear free energy relationships (LFER).



The authors would like to thank Dr. Tammy Yang (the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Canada) for her helpful comments on the sorption experiments. The authors wish to acknowledge Drs. Yoshihisa Iida and Tetsuji Yamaguchi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency), Dr. Takumi Saito (the University of Tokyo), and Dr. Peter Vilks (Canada Nuclear Laboratory) for the fruitful discussion on Pd sorption experiments and modelling. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Naoki Sugiyama of Agilent Technologies for helpful discussions on Pd measurement and improvement of the detection limit of Pd by ICP-MS in saline solutions.


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