Implications of Shared Growth of Public Enterprises: Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Case

공공기관의 동반성장 현황과 시사점: 한국수력원자력(주) 사례를 중심으로

  • Received : 2021.08.02
  • Accepted : 2021.09.15
  • Published : 2021.09.30


KHNP's shared growth activities are based on such public good. Reflecting the characteristics of a comprehensive energy company, a high-tech plant company, and a leading company for shared growth, it presents strategies to link performance indicators with its partners and implements various measures. Key tasks include maintaining the nuclear power plant ecosystem, improving management conditions for partner companies, strengthening future capabilities of the nuclear power plant industry, and supporting a virtuous cycle of regional development. This is made by reflecting the specificity of nuclear power generation as much as possible, and is designed to reflect the spirit of shared growth through win-win and cooperation in order to solve the challenges of the times while considering the characteristics as much as possible as possible. KHNP's shared growth activities can be said to be the practice of the spirit of the times(Zeitgeist). The spirit of the times given to us now is that companies should strive for sustainable growth as social air. KHNP has been striving to establish a creative and leading shared growth ecosystem. In particular, considering the positions of partners, it has been promoting continuous system improvement to establish a fair trade culture and deregulation. In addition, it has continuously discovered and implemented new customized support projects that are effective for partner companies and local communities. To this end, efforts have been made for shared growth through organic collaboration with partners and stakeholders. As detailed tasks, it also presents fostering new markets and new industries, maintaining supply chains, and emergency support for COVID-19 to maintain the nuclear power plant ecosystem. This reflects the social public good after the recent COVID-19 incident. In order to improve the management conditions of partner companies, productivity improvement, human resources enhancement, and customized funding are being implemented as detailed tasks. This is a plan to practice win-win growth with partner companies emphasized by corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ISO 26000 while being faithful to the main job. Until now, ESG management has focused on the environmental field to cope with the catastrophe of climate change. According to KHNP is presenting a public enterprise-type model in the environmental field. In order to strengthen the future capabilities of the nuclear power plant industry as a state-of-the-art energy company, it has set tasks to attract investment from partner companies, localization and new technologies R&D, and commercialization of innovative technologies. This is an effort to develop advanced nuclear power plant technology as a concrete practical measure of eco-friendly development. Meanwhile, the EU is preparing a social taxonomy to focus on the social sector, another important axis in ESG management, following the Green Taxonomy, a classification system in the environmental sector. KHNP includes enhancing local vitality, increasing income for the underprivileged, and overcoming the COVID-19 crisis as part of its shared growth activities, which is a representative social taxonomy field. The draft social taxonomy being promoted by the EU was announced in July, and the contents promoted by KHNP are consistent with this, leading the practice of social taxonomy

한수원은 전력 에너지를 생산하는 우리나라의 대표적인 공기업의 하나이며, 국가 자본에 의해서 생산·유통 또는 서비스를 공급할 목적으로 운영된다. 한수원의 경우는 국민 복지나 국가 발전을 위해 원전 중심의 첨단산업을 영위하며 공기업으로 운영된다. 원자력과 수력발전은 공공재의 성격이 뚜렷하기 때문이다. 사례에서 살펴본 한수원의 동반성장 활동은 공익을 우선하는 공공선에 근거를 두고 있다. 한수원은 종합에너지기업, 첨단 플랜트기업, 동반성장 선도기업이라는 특성을 반영하여 협력사와 동반성장을 위해 추진과제와 성과지표를 연계하는 전략을 제시하고 다양한 방안을 실천해 나가고 있다. 이를 정리라면 ① 원전 생태계유지, ② 협력기업 경영여건 개선, ③ 원전산업계 미래역량 강화, ④ 지역발전 선순환 지원 등이 핵심과제라 할 수 있다. 이것은 원자력발전이라는 특수성을 최대한 반영하여 만든 것이며 에너지 공기업으로서 특성을 최대한 감안하면서도 시대적 과제를 해결하기 위해 상생과 협력을 통한 동반성장 정신을 잘 반영하여 설계되어 있다. 세부 추진과제로 원전 생태계 유지를 위해 신시장·신산업 육성, Supply Chain 유지, 코로나19 긴급지원 등도 제시하고 있다. 한수원의 이런 활동은 본업에 충실하면서도 코로나19 사태이후 사회적 공공선의 철학을 반영한 것이다. 협력기업 경영여건 개선을 위해서는 생산성 향상, 인적자원 강화, 맞춤형 자금지원을 세부과제로 실천하고 있다. 본업에 충실하면서도 협력기업과의 동반성장을 추구하는 한수원의 노력은 기업의 사회적 책임(CSR), ISO 26000 등에서 강조하는 협력기업과 상생을 통한 동반성장의 모범사례라 할 수 있다.



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