Publication Indicators under Web of Science, SCOPUS Databases at Northern Border University: 2008-2020

  • 투고 : 2021.05.05
  • 발행 : 2021.05.30


The study aimed to analyze the reality of the scientific publishing of the faculty members of the Northern Border University, in both the Web of Science database and the SCOPUS database, with the analysis of publishing indicators and trends for the period between 2008-2020, and the researcher's keenness to apply the bibliometric study research methodology to obtain an account Full and detailed publications indicators under the two databases, including a full analysis of scientific publishing through objective, temporal, quantitative, authors, languages, open access journals, information forms, the most productive authors, the most published scientific journals, the most scientific bodies involved with the university. The study found results, the most important of which is the existence of a high increase in scientific publishing, starting from 2015, with an increase in publishing in the scientific field compared to other disciplines, and that the vast majority of publishing is in the form of articles, as well as publishing in English for the rest of the languages.



The authors gratefully acknowledge the approval and the support of this research study by the grant no. 8461-EAR-2019-1-10-F from the Deanship of Scientific Research at Northern Border University, Arar, K.S.A.


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