A Study on the Yin-Yang Needling Method in the Shouyaogangrou chapter of the Lingshu

『영추(靈樞)·수요강유(壽夭剛柔)』의 음양(陰陽) 자법(刺法)에 대한 고찰(考察)

  • Kim, Do-Hoon (Dept. of Medical Classics and History, College of Korean Medicine, Gachon University)
  • 金度勳 (嘉泉大學校 韓醫科大學 原典醫史學敎室)
  • Received : 2021.05.10
  • Accepted : 2021.05.14
  • Published : 2021.05.25


Objectives : This paper studied the different disease sites according to Yin and Yang deviation and the principal to applying the Five Shu Points acupuncture method to these sites of the Yin-Yang needling method as explained in the Shouyaogangrou chapter of the Lingshu. Methods : Of the seasonal needling method in the Neijing, the principle to managing the Five Shu Points and indications of each point were examined. Next, clinical applications of the Five Shu Points were analyzed. Descriptions of clinical expression were collected and examined to understand the underlying pattern. Results : If we connect the disease sites of the Yin-Yang needling method to the Five Shu Points needling method according to the seasonal changes, the Yang of Yin connects to Spring, Yin of Yang to Summer, Yang of Yang to Autumn, and Yin of Yin to Winter. Of the needling site, the collateral vessel is the collateral vessel of Spring, 'Meridian of Yin' is the meridian of the Yin domain or the meridian points of the Yin meridian. 'He of Yang' is the He point of the Yang meridian, and the Yin Xing and Shu are the Xing and Shu points of the Yin meridian. Upon examining cases in the Neijing where the Five Shu Points were applied, it could be found that the Xing and Shu points of the Yin meridian were used together, while the He point of the Yang meridian was used to eliminate Yang pathogen or to stimulate Yang qi, which matches the Yin-Yang needling method of the Shouyaogangrou chapter of the Lingshu. Conclusions : The Yin and Yang of the needling sites from the Yin-Yang needling method in the Shouyaogangrou chapter of the Lingshu refers to the Yin and Yang meridians, or the Yin and Yang domains. In the context of disease site description, the former Yin and Yang describes a spatial aspect, while the latter Yin and Yang refers to the vicissitudes of qi according to temporal change.



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