Hydrologic evaluation of SWAT considered forest type using MODIS LAI data: a case of Yongdam Dam watershed

MODIS LAI 자료를 활용하여 임상별로 고려한 SWAT의 수문 평가: 용담댐유역을 대상으로

  • Han, Daeyoung (Department of Civil, Environmental, and Plant Engineering, Graduate School, Konkuk University) ;
  • Lee, Jiwan (Department of Civil, Environmental, and Plant Engineering, Graduate School, Konkuk University) ;
  • Kim, Wonjin (Department of Civil, Environmental, and Plant Engineering, Graduate School, Konkuk University) ;
  • Baek, Seungchul (Gyeonggi Regional Headquarter, KRC, Project Management, Department) ;
  • Kim, Seongjoon (Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Konkuk University)
  • 한대영 (건국대학교 일반대학원 사회환경플랜트공학과) ;
  • 이지완 (건국대학교 일반대학원 사회환경플랜트공학과) ;
  • 김원진 (건국대학교 일반대학원 사회환경플랜트공학과) ;
  • 백승출 (한국농어촌공사 경기지역본부 사업관리부) ;
  • 김성준 (건국대학교 공과대학 사회환경공학부)
  • Received : 2021.07.26
  • Accepted : 2021.08.25
  • Published : 2021.11.30


This study compares and analyzes the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) as coniferous, deciduous and mixed forest with Yongdam Dam upstream (904.4 km2). The hydrologic evaluation period was set to 10 years from 2010 to 2019, and the applicability of the 8-day MOD15A2 Leaf Area Index (LAI) data, 3 TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) (GB, JC, CC), and 1 Flux Tower (DU) evaporation volume (YDD) data was simulated. As a result, the R2 of coniferous forest, deciduous forest and mixed forest are 0.95, 0.89, 0.90, soil moisture and evaportranspiration stations R2 were analyzed at 0.50 to 0.55 and 0.51, respectively, with R2 at 0.74, RMSE 2.75 mm/day, NSE 0.70 and PBIAS 14.3% for Yongdam inflow. Based on the calibrated and validated watersheds, the annual average evaportranspiration was calculated as coniferous 469.7 mm, deciduous 501. mm and 511.5 mm mixed forest, total runoff were estimated at coniferous 909.8 mm, deciduous 860.6 mm and 864.2 mm mixed forest. In the case of annual average evaportranspiration, it was evaluated that deciduous were high, but in the case of streamflow, it was evaluated that coniferous were high. Unlike other hydrologic with similar patterns throughout the year, the average annual evapotranspiration was about 7% higher than coniferous due to the higher evapotranspiration of deciduous with high leaf area index in summer and fall. In addition, deciduous were 9% and 6% higher for surface runoff and lateral flow, but the groundwater of coniferous was 77% higher. Therefore, it was confirmed that the total runoff was in order of coniferous, mixed forest, and deciduous.

본 연구는 용담댐 유역(904.4 km2)을 대상으로 준분포형 장기유출 모델인 SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)과 Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)의 엽면적지수 위성자료를 활용하여 임상별로 수문에 미치는 영향을 비교 및 분석하였다. 수문 평가 기간은 2010년부터 2019년까지 10년으로 설정하였으며, 8일 간격의 MOD15A2 LAI (Leaf Area Index)자료, 토양수분 TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) 관측소 3개소(GB, JC, CC), 증발산량 Flux Tower 1개소(DU)와 용담댐(YDD) 유입량 자료를 SWAT 모의결과와 비교하여 적용성을 검토하였다. 검·보정 결과, 침엽수, 활엽수, 혼효림 LAI의 R2는 각각 0.95, 0.89, 0.90이며, 토양수분 및 증발산량 관측소 R2는 각각 0.50 ~ 0.55, 0.51로 분석되었으며, 용담댐 유입량의 경우 R2의 경우 0.74, RMSE 2.75 mm/day, NSE 0.70, PBIAS 14.3 %로 분석되었다. 검·보정된 유역을 기반으로 하여 HRU에서 침엽수, 활엽수, 혼효림 수문분석 결과 총 연평균 증발산량은 침엽수 469.7 mm 이며, 활엽수는 501.0 mm, 혼효림의 경우 511.5 mm로 산정되었으며, 유출량은 침엽수 909.8 mm, 활엽수 860.6 mm, 혼효림 864.2 mm로 산정되었다. 연중 패턴이 비슷한 다른 수문과 다르게 여름과 가을에 엽면적지수가 높은 활엽수의 증발산량이 침엽수에 비해 높아 연평균 증발산량이 약 7% 높게 산정되었다. 또한, 유출량의 경우 지표유출 및 중간유출의 경우 활엽수가 각각 9%, 6% 높았으나, 침엽수의 기저유출이 77% 더 높은 것으로 산정됐다. 따라서, 총유출량이 침엽수 혼효림 활엽수 순으로 많은 것을 확인할 수 있었다.



본 논문은 한강수계관리위원회 환경기초조사사업 연구 [기저유량 변동 및 하천 수질영향 특성과 회복방안 연구] 수행의 일환으로 수행되었습니다.


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