수학 교과에서의 교과 역량을 반영한 수업비평문 개발 연구

The Development of the Items on Class Critiques Involving the Mathematical Competencies

  • 투고 : 2020.07.27
  • 심사 : 2020.08.19
  • 발행 : 2020.08.31


This study is to establish the items on class critiques based on the mathematical competencies according to the mathematics curriculum revised in 2015. Namely, this study deals with the items on how pre-service or in-service teachers understand and comment on mathematics instruction on their own instruction or peers' instruction. To accomplish this, first of all the draft items on instructional reviews was developed by researchers of this study on the basis of the previous study(Hwang, 2018). In order to revise and develop the draft items, the experimental study was executed. The experimental study was done by the subject of 11 groups who are undergraduate students in the educational college of C University. The subject was supposed to watch an in-service middle school mathematics teacher's excellent instruction(study) video and to comment the instruction video on the draft items on class critiques. While analyzing the comments of the subject, the revised items on the class critiques were to be develop. Based on this study, from now on, the final and ideal items on the class critiques would be establish to reflect and comment teachers' instruction.



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