농촌지도사업의 다원화에 따른 공적 지도사업의 역할과 과제

Challenges for Public Agricultural Extension Services Response to the Pluralism of Extension in South Korea

  • 고순철 (협성대학교 도시개발.행정학과)
  • Ko, Soonchul (Department of Urban Development & Administration, Hyupsung University)
  • 투고 : 2020.05.28
  • 심사 : 2020.06.25
  • 발행 : 2020.06.30


The agricultural extension services in Korea have been provided by the Rural Development Administration, a government organization, since 1962. This aims to explore the issues in pluralism of extension worldwide, and to suggest tasks needed to improve public extension in Korea. Based on the review of background, types and issues of pluralism of agricultural extension, the following tasks were suggested for the public extension in Korea; Firstly, need to identify the lessons from the other countries where the pluralism system has been adopted, Secondly, need to compile the inventory about the private extension agencies and to assess their capacities, Thirdly, need to assess the farmers' satisfactory level on the services provided by public and private agencies, and the farmer's willingness to pay, Finally, need to further discussions to promote the partnership between public and private extension agencies.



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