고대 건축의 처마에 사용된 금속장식에 관한 연구

A Study of the Ornamental Metal used in the Eaves of Ancient Architecture in Korea

  • 투고 : 2020.03.09
  • 심사 : 2020.05.07
  • 발행 : 2020.05.30


This study examined ornamental metals used as architectural members among metal artifacts excavated from ancient Buddhist temples and palaces in Korea. Through this, we approached the decorative characteristics of ancient architecture eaves. 1. The decorations used in eaves of Korean ancient architecture include roof-end tiles and ornamental metal. Through excavation examples, the technique of attaching ornamental metal to the rafters and corner rafters of high-ranking architectures in the 7th and 8th centuries (ornamental metal for rafter end, ornamental metal for corner rafter end), and tosu iron in the 10th century It seems to be fashionable. 2. Several buildings were built in ancient Buddhist temples and palaces. At this time, they differentiated ornamental metal according to the hierarchy of the building. The higher the hierarchy, the greater the difference in the number of ornamental metal installations, materials, and decoration techniques. In addition, ornamental metal used in eaves is an important factor in the discrimination of the times as the type, number of members, and patterns change depending on the era. 3. The great feature of the eaves metal decoration excavated in the 7th and 8th centuries is the attachment of ornamental metal to the rafters and horsetails. This seems to create a sense of grandeur by removing the weight of the roof and giving the impression constructed regardless of gravity by supporting it with non-material materials.



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