A Study on DEM-based Automatic Calculation of Earthwork Volume for BIM Application

  • Received : 2020.03.19
  • Accepted : 2020.04.29
  • Published : 2020.04.30


Recently the importance of BIM (Building Information Modeling) that enables 3D location-based design and construction work is being highlighted around the world. In Korea, the road map has been established to settle the design based on BIM using drone survey results by 2025. As the first step, BIM would be applied to road construction projects worth more than 50 billion Korean Won from 2020. On the other hand, drone survey regulation has been enacted and the data for drone survey cost were also included on Standard of construction estimate in 2020. However, more careful improvement is required to reflect drone survey results in BIM design and construction. Currently, Engineering instructions and Standard of construction estimate specifies that earthwork volume must be calculated by cross section method only. So it is required to add the method of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) based volume calculation on these regulations to realize BIM application. In order for that, this study verified the method of DEM based earthwork volume calculation. To get an accurate DEM for accurate volume computation, drone survey was carried out according to the drone survey regulation and then could get an accurate DEM data which have errors less than 3cm in X, Y and 6.8cm in H. As each DEM cell has 3D coordinate component, the volume of each cell can be calculated by obtaining the height of area of the cell then total volume is calculated by multiplying total number of cells by volume of each cell for the construction area. Verification for the new calculation method compare with existing method was carried out. The difference between DEM based volume by drone survey and cross section based volume by traditional survey was less than 1.33% and it can be seen that new DEM method will be able to be applied to BIM design and construction instead of cross section method.



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