Comparison of 30 Diagrams of Spleen originated from Ming Tang Zang Fu Tu(明堂臟腑圖)

명당장부도(明堂臟腑圖)에서 기원한 비장도(脾臟圖) 30종의 비교

  • Jo, Hak-jun (Dept. of Korean Medical Classics & Medical History, College of Korean medicine, Semyung University)
  • 조학준 (세명대학교 한의과대학 원전의사학교실)
  • Received : 2020.01.18
  • Accepted : 2020.02.05
  • Published : 2020.02.25


Objectives : To clarify the construction, changes, and contents of the diagrams of spleen through comparison of 30 different diagrams originated from Mingtangzangfutu. Methods : The diagrams were analyzed in whole shape, ratio between width and height, shape of the lower part, and concavo-convex of the middle part, then matched to the characteristics of the section diagram. The contents of the diagram of the spleen were newly interpreted with comparison to the classical texts. Results : The whole shape is described to be a long sword, long stick, bottle gourd, western pear, sole of feet. The height to width ratio was mostly above 4.0:1, but those listed in the 『Bianquemaishunaning』 and 『Hehensancaituhui』 were 1.9:1~1.0:1, most similar to the numbers described in the 『Nanjing』. The shape of the lower part was narrow and sharp, narrow and flat or wide and flat. To analyze through affiliation characteristic, properties of other affiliations could be found. In comparison to classical texts, the diagrams could be found to be affected by 『Nanjing』 and Wangbing's annotations. The diagrams of the spleen should be composed of the spleen, the cord of spleen, and Sangao(散膏); but those which distinguish the spleen and the cord of spleen are twelve. The description of its shape as being similar to sword or sickle seems to come from Lichan's misunderstanding of the diagram in 『Zhenjiujuying』. Those that mention Sangao are merely two and their opinion on the position are different from each other; both did not identify it with the pancreas. Conclusions : In the process of the diagrams differentiating into 30 they were affected by the classical texts. The various changes seem to come from difference in understanding of the content composition of the diagram of the spleen.



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