Where Some Inert Minimal Ring Extensions of a Commutative Ring Come from

  • Received : 2019.06.12
  • Accepted : 2020.01.10
  • Published : 2020.03.31


Let (A, M) ⊂ (B, N) be commutative quasi-local rings. We consider the property that there exists a ring D such that A ⊆ D ⊂ B and the extension D ⊂ B is inert. Examples show that the number of such D may be any non-negative integer or infinite. The existence of such D does not imply M ⊆ N. Suppose henceforth that M ⊆ N. If the field extension A/M ⊆ B/N is algebraic, the existence of such D does not imply that B is integral over A (except when B has Krull dimension 0). If A/M ⊆ B/N is a minimal field extension, there exists a unique such D, necessarily given by D = A + N (but it need not be the case that N = MB). The converse fails, even if M = N and B/M is a finite field.



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