조직 내 정보보안 기술스트레스 완화와 준수의도

The Mitigation of Information Security Related Technostress and Compliance Intention

  • 투고 : 2020.01.10
  • 심사 : 2020.02.01
  • 발행 : 2020.03.31


Purpose As information management grows in importance around the world, organizations are investing in information security technology. However, the higher the level of information security technology in an organization, the higher the techno-stress of employees. The purpose of this study is to suggest stress factors related to information security technology that affect the reduction of employees' intention to comply with information security and to suggest ways to alleviate stress. Design/methodology/approach The research presented a model for mitigating technical stress related to information security based on technical stress theory and person-organization fit theory. 346 questionnaire data were analyzed from the members of the organization who applied the information security technology, and the research hypothesis was verified through the structural equation modeling. Findings The hypothesis test confirms that security-related techno-stress reduces the information security compliance intention of employees, organizational technical support mitigates technical stress, and person-organization fitness mitigates the negative relationship between techno-stress and compliance intention. The results of the study contribute to the organization's strategy for minimizing the reduction of the information security compliance intention of employees, and are meaningful in that the theoretical basis for mitigating techno-stress is provided in the field of information security.



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