1. Introduction
The recovery of a high resolution (HR) image from its low resolution (LR) counterpart is referred to as super-resolution (SR). SR is the topic of great interest in computer vision community and has a wide range of applications such as medical imaging [1, 2], surveillance imaging [3], satellite imaging [4] and face recognition [5].
Many SR methods have been proposed in the computer vision community. Early methodsuse very fast interpolation such as bicubic interpolation [6] and usually yield results withoverly smooth textures. Some of the more powerful methods utilize statistical image priors [7, 8] or internal patch recurrence [9, 10]. Recently, deep learning has seen huge success incomputer vision fielids such as image classification, image translation, image SR and image understanding [11,12,13,14]. For image SR, Dong et al. [15] proposed a Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (SRCNN) to learn a mapping from LR to HR in an end-to-end manner. Deeper network architectures have also been shown to increase performance for SR, e.g. Kim et al. [16] proposed a recursive CNN that allows for long-range pixel dependencies, achieving state-of-the-art results. Pan et al. [17] proposed a general dual convolutional neural network (DualCNN) by estimating the structure and details for image SR. Residual learning has been shown to be an effective approach to achieve better performance. Lim et al. [18] used residual blocks to build a very wide network EDSR with residual scaling and a very deepMDSR. Zhang et al. [19] proposed a unified framework residual dense network (RDN) withresidual dense block (RDB) for high-quality image SR.
While these SR models demonstrate promising results, there are two main issues. First, the current methods have difficulty in learning the relation between LR and HR, especially forlarge scaling factors. In large scaling factors, fine details of the HR image may have little or no evidence in its LR image, so the reconstructed images may not be satisfactory. Second, most of the current methods optimize the network with the mean squared error (MSE) between thereconstructed HR image and the ground truth. Since the ability of MSE loss to capture high-frequency texture details is very limited, the reconstructed HR images are oftenoverly-smooth and have poor perceptual quality [20].
In recent years, generative modeling has been remarkable progress with the emergence of deep learning. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) [21] have emerged as a populartechnique for learning generative models in computer vision. GANs consist of two networks: generator and discriminator, which are alternatively trained to compete with each other. The generator produces an image from a latent code, and the distribution of the image shouldideally be indistinguishable from the distribution of the real image. GANs can provide apowerful framework for generating plausible-looking natural images with high perceptual quality. GANs enable a wide variety of application such as image generation [22, 23], imageediting [24] and representation learning [25, 26].
Just as GANs learn a generative model of data, conditional GANs (cGANs) learn a conditional generative model [21]. Prior and concurrent works have conditioned GANs on text[27], discrete labels [28, 29], and images. Recent methods have achieved impressive results onimage-to-image translation [12], image inpainting [30], text-to-image [31], style transfer [32]and super-resolution (SR) [33]. The key to GANs’ success is the idea of adversarial training that forces the generated images to be indistinguishable from natural images. For the SR task, Ledig et al. [33] proposed a super-resolution generative adversarial network (SRGAN) for which they employ a deep residual network with skip-connection and achieved photo-realistic nature images for ×4 upscaling factor. Bulat et al. [34] proposed a High-to-Low GAN tosimulate the image degradation process for creating paired low and high-resolution images, and presented a Low-to-High GAN to super-resolve the real-world low-resolution images for a specific object category, e.g. face images. Althought GAN can generate sharp and realisticimages with good visual quality, the quality evaluation of the generated images is an open and difficult problem.
In this paper, we propose a novel Stage Generative Adversarial Network (Stage-GAN) conditioned on semantic maps for SR, focusing on ×4 and ×8 scaling factors. Our proposed Stage-GAN model includes three parts: semantic map generation network (Stage-0 G AN), image reconstruction network (Stage-1 GAN) and image refinement network (Stage-2 G AN). Our model uses adversarial training and the semantic information of LR image to contribute toaddressing the non-linear mapping problem in large scaling factors. In the initial stage, we firstly use a pre-defined up-sampling operator (bicubic interpolation) to upscale an input LR image to the middle-resolution (MR) image. And then we use the MR image to infer the corresponding semantic map by our Stage-0 GAN. The semantic map contains some importantinformation of the LR image for reconstructing the realistic image. In the next stage, the MR image is concatenated with the semantic map as the input of Stage-1 GAN. By conditioning on the semantic map and MR image, Stage-1 GAN learns to capture the semantic information and low-frequency information, reconstructing the HR image with more details. In last stage, westack Stage-2 GAN to refine the Stage-1 results, yielding the photo-realistic HR images. Wevalidate the proposed approach and compare our performance against previous worksincluding [15, 33, 35]. Extensive experiments show that our proposed model generateshigh-resolution images with better perceptual quality.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, Stage-GAN is presented in detail. The experimental results and comparisons with other methods are demonstrated in Section 3. The conclusion of this paper is presented in Section 4.
2. Proposed Networks
In this section, we present each component of our model in detail. As shown in Fig. 1, ourproposed Stage-GAN consists of three parts: semantic map generation network (Stage-0GAN), image reconstruction network (Stage-1 GAN) and image refinement network (Stage-2GAN). The Stage-0 GAN generates a semantic map from the input image IS0 . Then the image IS0 is concatenated with the corresponding semantic map Isem , which serves as the input for Stage-1 GAN. Conditioned on Stage-1 results, the Stage-2 GAN refines the details of the results and sharpens the edges of objects, yielding a more realistic high-resolution image.
Fig. 1. The architecture of our proposed Stage-GAN.
2.1 Semantic Map Generation Network (Stage-0 GAN)
For the task of image SR, to reconstruct HR image while preserving photo-realistic image details, we combine the benefits of semantic map and adversarial training to super-resolve theill-posed problem. Different from most methods directly predicting HR image from LR image, we firstly generate a corresponding semantic map with our Stage-0 network. Given an input LR image ILR , bicubic interpolation algorithm can be employed to obtain themiddle-resolution (MR) image IS0 . Then the MR image SI is fed into the Stage-0 GAN togenerate the corresponding semantic map Isem ,
\(I_{sem}=F_{G_0}(I_{S_0})=F_{G_0}(F_{bic}(I_{LR}))\) (1)
where \(F_{G_0}(⋅)\) denotes the semantic map generation function and \(F_{bic}(⋅)\) denotes the bicubicinterpolation operator. Specifically, we select U-Net [36] as our generator model due to its simplicity and effectiveness in semantic segmentation tasks, as shown in Fig. 2. Basically, U-Net is a Fully Convolutional Network [37]. It contains a series of down-sampling layers followed by a series of up-sampling layers. The feature maps are cropped and copied from down-sampling layers to up-sampling layers. It is noted that we remove the cropping and copying unit from the basic U-Net model and use only concatenation operations, yielding animproved architecture that results in better performance. And we modify the padding schemeto make the input and output of the network have the same spatial size. As shown in Fig. 2, thenetwork consists of two main parts: the convolutional encoding and decoding units. The basicconvolution operations are performed followed by Batch normalization [38] and ReLU activation in both parts of the network, except that the last one uses tanh activation. In the encoding unit, the convolution layers with kernel size 4×4, stride 2 are designed to capture useful information. The ReLU in the encoder is leaky. In the decoding phase, the de-convolution operation with kernel size 4×4, stride 2 is performed to up-sample the featuremaps. We use the skip connections to concatenate feature maps from the encoding unit to the decoding unit. Some examples of generated semantic maps are shown in Fig. 5.
For the discriminator D0 , as shown in Fig. 4, the MR image IS0 is firstly concatenated along the channel dimension with the output semantic map Isem as the input of ‘fake ’discriminator. Meanwhile, the MR image IS0 is concatenated along the channel dimension with the ground truth semantic map \(I_{sem} ^{GT}\) as the input of ‘real’ discriminator. The concatenated results are fed through three convolution layers of down-sampling with kernel size 4×4, stride 2. The last two layers with kernel size 4×4, stride 1 are used. Here, the output has 30×30 spatial dimension. Finally, this discriminator tries to determine if each 30×30 patch in an outputimage is ‘real’ or ‘fake’. We run this discriminator convolutionally across the concatenated map, averaging all responses to provide the ultimate output of the discriminator D0
Fig. 2. The architecture of improved U-net generator.
2.2 Image Reconstruction Network (Stage-1 GAN)
We now present our Stage-1 GAN, which is used to learn a mapping from the MR image and corresponding semantic map to the desired HR image. Our Stage-1 GAN is conditioned on Stage-0 results and corresponding MR images to generate HR images. In the Stage-1 G AN, the Stage-0 result Isem and the corresponding MR image IS0 are delivered to the generator G1 for image reconstruction,
\(I_{S_{2}}=F_{G_{1}}\left(I_{S_{1}}\right)=F_{G_{1}}\left(\left[I_{S_{0}}, I_{s e m}\right]\right)\) (2)
where the input IS1 to Stage-1 GAN is a concatenation of the MR image IS0 and corresponding semantic map Isem·IS2 is the reconstructed image from the input[IS0, Isem ] by the generator G1 . An FG (⋅) denotes the image reconstruction function. The semantic map Isem contains the semantic information of the LR image and the MR image IS0 remains the low-frequency information of the LR image.
In order to combine the semantic information and low-frequency information, we use the U-Net as our reconstruction network, as shown in Fig. 2. Although GAN-based synthesized images from semantic maps are visually appealing, their details can be quite different from the original images. To obtain high-quality reconstructed images, we use the MR images and corresponding semantic maps as the input of Stage-1 GAN. In our proposed Stage-GAN, as shown in Fig. 1, to formulate the SR problem by considering both the semantic information and low-frequency information, the results [IS0 , Isem ] are fed into the generator G1 of Stage-1 GAN.
For the discriminator D1 , as shown in Fig. 4, the conditional input IS1 is firstly concatenated along the channel dimension with the reconstruction image IS2 as the input of ‘fake ’ discriminator. Meanwhile, the conditional input IS1 is concatenated along the channeldimension with the ground truth HR image \(I_{HR}^{GT}\) as the input of ‘real’ discriminator. The concatenated results are fed through a series of convolution layers until it has 30×30 spatial dimension. The discriminator D1 also try to determine if each 30×30 patch is ‘real’ or ‘fake’. Details of the structure are discussed in the Stage-0 GAN parts.
2.3 Image Refinement Network (Stage-2 GAN)
The results of the Stage-1 GAN may not be satisfactory in visual quality. Some details in thereconstructed images are omitted in the Stage-1 GAN, which is vital for generating photo-realistic images. In order to improve the quality of reconstructed images, an effective post- processing module is designed, as shown in Fig. 3. We stack an image refinementnetwork at the output of the Stage-1 GAN as a refiner, named Stage-2 GAN. Our Stage-2 G ANis conditioned on Stage-1 GAN results to generate high-resolution images with morephotorealistic details. In the Stage-2 GAN, the Stage-1 result IS2 is fed into the generator G2 for image refinement,
\(I_{SR}=F_{G_2}(I_{S_2})\) (3)
where the input IS2 to Stage-2 GAN is the result of Stage-1 GAN. And \(F_{G_2}(·)\) denotes the image refinement function. We design our Stage-2 generator as an encoder-decoder network with residual blocks [39]. The Stage-2 GAN completes the details of reconstructed images togenerate photo-realistic images. In the Stage-2 GAN in Fig. 3, the first layer with kernel size 7× 7, stride 1 is designed to capture more image information. The next two convolution layers (encoder) with kernel size 3×3, stride 2 are performed to down-sample the feature maps. Then, the encoder image features are fed into nine residual blocks, which are designed to learn the differences between the input image IS2 and the ground truth HR image \(I_{HR}^{GT}\) . To keep the output size of decoder same with the input, the de-convolution layers (decoder) with kernelsize 3×3, stride 2 are performed to up-sample the feature maps. We use the kernel size 7× 7, stride 1 in the last layer. Such a generator with residual blocks is able to refine the details and sharp the edges of the objects, generating photo-realistic HR image.
Fig. 3 Illustration of image refinement network. Convolution parameters are denoted as kernel height \(\times\) kernel width \(\times\) number of feature maps, stride for each convolutional layers.
For the discriminator D2 , as shown in Fig. 4, the reconstructed image IS2 is concatenated along the channel dimension with the reconstruction image ISR as the input of ‘fake’ discriminator. Meanwhile, the reconstructed image IS2 is concatenated along the channeldimension with the ground truth HR image \(I_{HR}^{GT}\) as the input of ‘real’ discriminator. The concatenated results are fed through a series of convolution layers until it has 30×30 spatial dimension. The discriminator D2 also try to determine if each 30×30 patch is ‘real’ or ‘fake ’.Details of the structure are discussed in the Stage-0 GAN parts.
Fig. 4. The details of our discriminator architecture with corresponding kernel size, number of featuremaps and stride indicated each convolutional layers.
2.4 Loss Function
Our proposed Stage-GAN consists of three parts: semantic map generation network (Stage-0GAN), image reconstruction network (Stage-1 GAN) and image refinement network (Stage-2
GAN). Each part is based on the conditional GANs. The conditional GANs learn anadvers arial loss that tries to determine if the output image is ‘real’ or ‘fake’, whilesimultaneously train a generative model to minimize this object.
In Stage-0 GAN, the adversarial loss function can be expressed as,
\(L_{c G A N}\left(G_{0}, D_{0}\right)=\min _{G_{0}} \max _{D_{0}} E\left[\log D_{0}\left(I_{s e m}^{G T}, I_{S_{0}}\right)\right]+E\left[\log \left(1-D_{0}\left(G_{0}\left(I_{S_{0}}\right), I_{S_{0}}\right)\right)\right]\) (4)
where IS0 is the MR image of LR image and \(I_{HR}^{GT}\) is the ground truth semantic map. Conditioned on the MR image IS0 , Stage-0 GAN trains the discriminator D0 and the generator G0 by alternatively maximizing D0 and minimizing G0 . We provide noise in formof dropout rather than gaussian noise.
In Stage-1 GAN, the adversarial loss function can be expressed as,
\(L_{c G A N}\left(G_{1}, D_{1}\right)=\min _{G_{1}} \max _{D_{1}} E\left[\log D_{1}\left(I_{H R}^{G T}, I_{S_{1}}\right)\right]+E\left[\log \left(1-D_{1}\left(G_{1}\left(\left[I_{S_{0}}, I_{s e m}\right), I_{S_{1}}\right)\right)\right]\right.\) (5)
where IS1 is a concatenation of the MR image IS0 and corresponding semantic map Isem and \(I_{HR}^{GT}\) is the ground truth HR image. Conditioned on the MR image IS0 and corresponding semantic map Isem , Stage-1 GAN trains the discriminator D1 and the generator G1 by alternatively maximizing D1 and minimizing G1 . Here, we also provide noise in form of dropout rather than gaussian noise.
In Stage-2 GAN, the adversarial loss function can be expressed as,
\(L_{c G A N}\left(G_{2}, D_{2}\right)=\min _{G_{2}} \max _{D_{2}} E\left[\log D_{2}\left(I_{H R}^{G T}, I_{S_{2}}\right)\right]+E\left[\log \left(1-D_{2}\left(G_{2}\left(I_{S_{2}}\right), I_{S_{2}}\right)\right)\right]\) (6)
where IS1 is the output of Stage-1 GAN and \(I_{HR}^{GT}\) is the ground truth HR image. Conditioned on the reconstructed image IS2 , Stage-2 GAN trains the discriminator D2 and the generator G2 by alternatively maximizing D2 and minimizing G2 .
For image SR, most methods of supervised SR algorithms optimize the network with the L2 distance between the reconstructed image and the ground truth image. Since the L2 lossfails to capture perceptually relevant differences, such as high texture detail, the reconstruct-edimages are often overly smooth. Especially in large scaling factors, the reconstructed imageslook blurry, which is not close to human visual perception. In order to address the problem, we use L1 distance rather than L2 distance.
In our Stage-GAN, the L1 loss function of Stage-0 GAN, Stage-1 GAN and Stage-2 G AN can be respectively formulated as,
\(L_{1}\left(G_{0}\right)=E\left[\left\|I_{s e m}^{G T}-I_{s e m}\right\|_{1}\right]\) (7)
\(L_{1}\left(G_{1}\right)=E\left[\left\|I_{HR}^{G T}-I_{S_2}\right\|_{1}\right]\) (8)
\(L_{1}\left(G_{2}\right)=E\left[\left\|I_{HR}^{G T}-I_{SR}\right\|_{1}\right]\) (9)
where L1(Gi) represents the L1 loss function of Stage- i GAN, i=0,1,2. Isem is the semantic map generated by Stage-0 GAN. IS2 is the reconstructed image by Stage-1 GAN. ISR is the refined image by Stage-2 GAN. \(I_{sem}^{GT}\) is the ground truth semantic map and \(I_{HR}^{GT}\) is the ground truth HR image.
Finally, the loss function for our Stage-GAN can be represented as,
\(\begin{aligned} L_{\text {loss}}=& L_{c G A N}(G, D)+\lambda \cdot L_{1}(G) \\ =& L_{c G A N}\left(G_{0}, D_{0}\right)+L_{c G A N}\left(G_{1}, D_{1}\right)+L_{C G A N}\left(G_{2}, D_{2}\right) \\ &+\lambda \cdot\left[L_{1}\left(G_{0}\right)+L_{1}\left(G_{1}\right)+L_{1}\left(G_{2}\right)\right] \end{aligned}\) (10)
where Lloss represents the full loss of our Stage-GAN and λ is a parameter that balances the adversiral loss and L1 loss. In this work, we set the parameter λ=100 for our experiment, which was used in [12]. The generator is tasked to not only fool the discriminator but also to generate near the ground truth output image in an L1 sense.
Fig. 5. Example images with semantic maps. Top: the MR images; middle: the ground truth semantic maps; bottom: the semantic maps generated by Stage-0 GAN. (a) and (b) are for ×4 scale factor, (c) and (d) are for ×8 scale factor.
3. Experimental Results and Analysis
In this section, we evaluate the performance of our model. Here, we first describeimplementation details of this work and evaluation metrics. Then we analysis important components of our proposed Stage-GAN. Finally, the proposed method is compared with several SR methods.
3.1 Implementation Details and Evaluation Metrics
Our model is trained in a supervised fashion on pairs of images and semantic maps. Such pairs are provided with semantic segmentation datasets. In this work, we use the CMP Facades dataset [40], which consists of just 400 images for training. We use the CMP Facades validation set for testing, which consists of 100 images. The facades are from different cities around the world and diverse architectural styles. We sample the original images to 256×256 resolution and scale the range of the images to [0,1] for our experiments. We obtain the LR images by down-sampling the original HR images using bicubic interpolation [6] with scaling factors of ×4 and ×8. In the U-Net, all ReLUs in the encoder are leaky, with slope 0.2, while in the decoder are not leaky. Our refinement network uses a framework with 9 residual blocks, asillustrated in Fig. 3. For the discriminator network, we use 30×30 Patch-GAN, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The convolution operations are performed followed by Batch normalization [38] and leaky ReLU activation with slope 0.2, except the last one. In our training process, we use Adam solver [41] with a mini-batch size of 1 and a momentum parameter of 0.5. The weights are initialized from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.02. Learning rate is initially set to 0.0002 and then linearly decay to zero every 100 epochs. All reported PSNR(dB) [42] and SSIM [43] measures are calculated on Y-channel of images.
Fig. 6. Visual comparisons on several images with the scaling factor ×4. Top: the ground truth HR images; middle: the images generated by Stage-1 GAN without semantic maps; bottom: the images generated by Stage-1 GAN with semantic maps.
Fig. 7. Visual comparisons on several images with the scaling factor ×8. Top: the ground truth HR images; middle: the images generated by Stage-2 GAN conditioned on the reconstructed images without semantic map; bottom: the images generated by Stage-2 GAN conditioned on the reconstructed images with semantic map.
Fig. 8. Visual comparisons on several images generated by our Stage-GAN with the scaling factor & times; 4. Each row lists the HR images, the ground truth semantic maps, the MR images, semantic maps generated by Stage-0 GAN, images reconstructed by Stage-1 GAN and images refined by Stage-2 G AN. The images generated by Stage-2 GAN have much cleaner and sharper details than the output images of Stage-1 GAN. Corresponding PSNR(dB) [42] and SSIM [43] are shown in bottom.
Fig. 9. Visual comparisons on several images generated by our Stage-GAN with the scaling factor & times; 8. Each row lists the HR images, the ground truth semantic maps, the MR images, semantic maps generated by Stage-0 GAN, images reconstructed by Stage-1 GAN and images refined by Stage-2 G AN. The images generated by Stage-2 GAN have much sharper details than the images generated by Stage-1 GAN. Corresponding PSNR(dB) [42] and SSIM [43] are shown in bottom.
For generative models (e.g., GAN), the quality evaluation of the generated images is anopen and difficult problem. The traditional metrics used to evaluate the SR images are PSNR[42] and SSIM [43], both of which have been found to correlate poorly with human assessment of visual quality. We therefore emphasize that the goal of our experiments is not to achievestate-of-the-art PSNR or SSIM results, but instead to generate HR images with high perceptual
quality. For an image, the gradients can convey important visual information, which arecrucial to scene understanding. So, we use a new image quality assessment scheme, withemphasis on gradient similarity (GSM) [44], for measuring the change in contrast and structure in images.
3.2 Component Analysis
In this work, our proposed Stage-GAN includes three parts: semantic map generation network (Stage-0 GAN), image reconstruction network (Stage-1 GAN) and image refinement network (Stage-2 GAN). As illustrated in Fig. 1, in Stage-1 GAN, the generators G0 can generatesemantic maps from the input MR images, which preserve the semantic information of LR images. In the training phase, we first generate the semantic maps and the examples are in Fig. 5.
For the large scaling factors, fine details of the HR images may have little or no evidence inits LR images. It is difficult to learn the non-linear mapping from LR to HR images. In Stage-1 GAN, considering that semantic information can contribute to producing corresponding instances, such as facade, window, cornice, sill and so on, we use the low-frequency information of LR image and corresponding semantic information to reconstruct HR image. As shown in Fig. 6, by utilizing the semantic information for jointly reconstruction, the Stage-1 GAN with semantic maps can recover more details accurately compared to the Stage-1 GAN without semantic maps. As shown in Fig. 7, the reconstructed images with semantic maps are fed to Stage-2 GAN, yielding much cleaner images than the reconstructed images without semantic maps.
Fig. 10. Visual comparisons of our model with other methods for ×4 scale factor. From left to right: the original HR image, bicubic interpolation, SRCNN [15], LapSRN [35], our proposed Stage-GAN. Corresponding PSNR(dB) [42] and SSIM [43] are shown in bottom. Our method provides much cleaner and sharper results, whereas other methods produce blurry boundary.
Fig. 11. Visual comparisons of our model with SRGAN [33] for ×4 scale factor. Our results have finedetails, such as the cornice of the building, whereas the SRGAN can not give good details in visual quality.
Fig. 8 illustrates some examples of Stage-0, Stage-1 and Stage-2 images generated by our Stage-GAN with scale factor ×4. As shown in Fig. 8(e), Stage-1 GAN fails to produce HR images with sharp edges. In order to improve the quality of the images, we propose the Stage-2GAN as a post-processing module to refine the results of Stage-1 GAN, as shown in Fig. 3. In the last row Fig. 8(f), Stage-2 GAN can generate HR images with photo-realistic details. Forscale factor ×8, as shown in Fig. 9, the images generated by Stage-2 GAN have much cleanerand sharper details than the results of Stage-1 GAN, which validates the importance of Stage-2GAN for image SR.
3.3 Comparisons with Other Methods
To validate our method, we provide quantitative and qualitative comparisons with several SR methods in scaling factors ×4 and ×8, which include bicubic [6], SRCNN [15], LapSRN [35 ]and SRGAN [33]. In this work, we do not achieve better performance on PSNR and SSIM, butinstead generate photo-realistic HR images with high perceptual quality. In particular, for & times; 8SR, our method achieves higher GSM [44] values, which has been correlated well with human perception.
In Fig. 10, we show visual comparisons of our Stage-GAN with other methods for & times; 4super-resolution. Compared to the other methods, our model trained for feature reconstructiondoes a very good job at reconstructing sharpen edges and fine details, such as the windows in the above images. We observe that the other methods reconstruct results with noticeable blurring. In contrast, our approach effectively suppresses such blurring through the models of Stage-GAN and the robust loss function. Our model can generate the sharper edges of buildings and achieve a good performance in the visual results, but compare to the original HR image, the reconstructed image may have little difference in structure or the shift of corresponding pixel-to-pixel, which harms its PSNR and SSIM compared to baseline methods.
Fig. 12. Visual comparisons of our model with other methods for ×8 scale factor. From left to right: the original HR image, bicubic interpolation, SRCNN [15], LapSRN [35], our proposed Stage-GAN. Corresponding PSNR(dB) [42], SSIM [43] and GSM [44] are shown in bottom. Our method provides much cleaner and sharper results, whereas other methods produce blurry boundary.
In Fig. 11, we compare our model to SRGAN [33] on several images with the scaling factor ×4. Our method achieves better performance on PSNR and SSIM than SRGAN [33]. Due to the combination of low-frequency information and semantic information, our results have fine details, such as the cornice and facade of buildings, whereas SRGAN can not givegood details in visual quality.
For ×8 SR, it is challenging to predict HR images from LR images. We show visual comparisons on Facades dataset with ×8 scale factor in Fig. 12. It can be observed from the visual results that our Stage-GAN can produce much more visually pleasant HR images thanthe comparing SR methods. Specifically, one can see that the performance of SRCNN [15] and LapSRN [35] is severely affected by the LR images, due to limited features available in the LR spaces. From the top images in Fig. 12, we can see that SRCNN [15] and LapSRN [35] both tend to produce over-smoothed results, whereas our Stage-GAN can recover sharp images with better intensity and gradient statistics of clean images. Our method achieves betterperformance on GSM [44], which emphasis on gradient similarity and measures the change instructure in images. We see that our approach does a good performance at edges and finedetails compared to other methods, such as the windows, sill and cornice of buildings. The baseline methods do not super-resolve the fine structures well. In contrast, our method reconstructs high-quality HR images with photo-realistic details.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose Stage Generative Adversarial Networks (Stage-GAN) with semantic maps for image SR in large scaling factors (×4, ×8). We decompose the task of image SR into a novel semantic map based reconstruction and refinement process. The Stage-0 G AN generates semantic maps from given LR images. The Stage-1 GAN reconstructs the high-resolution images by conditioning on the semantic maps and corresponding LR images. The Stage-2 GAN refines the Stage-1 results and sharpens the edges of objects, yielding high-resolution images with more photo-realistic details. Extensive experiments and comparisons with other SR methods demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, and our method performs favorably against the compared SR methods in terms of visual quality.
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