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Stage-GAN with Semantic Maps for Large-scale Image Super-resolution  

Wei, Zhensong (Institute of Information Science, Beijing Jiaotong University)
Bai, Huihui (Institute of Information Science, Beijing Jiaotong University)
Zhao, Yao (Institute of Information Science, Beijing Jiaotong University)
Publication Information
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) / v.13, no.8, 2019 , pp. 3942-3961 More about this Journal
Recently, the models of deep super-resolution networks can successfully learn the non-linear mapping from the low-resolution inputs to high-resolution outputs. However, for large scaling factors, this approach has difficulties in learning the relation of low-resolution to high-resolution images, which lead to the poor restoration. In this paper, we propose Stage Generative Adversarial Networks (Stage-GAN) with semantic maps for image super-resolution (SR) in large scaling factors. We decompose the task of image super-resolution into a novel semantic map based reconstruction and refinement process. In the initial stage, the semantic maps based on the given low-resolution images can be generated by Stage-0 GAN. In the next stage, the generated semantic maps from Stage-0 and corresponding low-resolution images can be used to yield high-resolution images by Stage-1 GAN. In order to remove the reconstruction artifacts and blurs for high-resolution images, Stage-2 GAN based post-processing module is proposed in the last stage, which can reconstruct high-resolution images with photo-realistic details. Extensive experiments and comparisons with other SR methods demonstrate that our proposed method can restore photo-realistic images with visual improvements. For scale factor ${\times}8$, our method performs favorably against other methods in terms of gradients similarity.
Super-resolution; Stage-GAN; Generative adversarial networks; Semantic maps; Large scaling factors;
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