Fig. 1. Research Model
Table 1. Classification table of Public Business Type
Table 2. The Five Dimensions of SERVQUAL
Table 3. Research Hypothesis
Table 5. Definition of Variables
Table 4. Analysis Result of Sample Characteristics
Table 6. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Verification of Information System Quality
Table 7. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Verification of Net Benefit
Table 8. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Verification of User
Table 9. Correlation Matrix
Table 10. Result of Regression Analysis(Information System Quality and User)
Table 11. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis(Information System Quality and Nature of Use)
Table 12. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis(Information System Quality and User Satisfaction)
Table 13. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis(User and Net Benefit)
Table 14. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis(User and Cost Saving)
Table 15. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis(User and Time Saving)
Table 16. Result of Regression Analysis(Information System Quality and Net benefits)
Table 17. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis(Information System Quality and Cost Saving)
Table 18. Result of Multiple Regression Analysis(Information System Quality and Time Saving)
Table 19. Verification Result of Mediating Effect
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