영화 "액트 오브 킬링"에 나타난 가해자와 피해자의 관계 연구

A Study on the Relationship between Assault and Victim in the Film Act of Killing

  • 김석원 (고려대학교 역사연구소) ;
  • 김성호 (중원대학교 융합디자인학과)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.17
  • 심사 : 2019.07.20
  • 발행 : 2019.07.28


본 연구의 목적은 조슈아 오펜하이머(Joshua Oppenheimer)의 액트 오브 킬링 에 나타난 가해자와 피해자의 관계에 대해서 살펴보고자 했다. 이를 위해서 가해자의 입장에서 사용한 이론적 도구는 르네 지라르($Ren{\acute{e}}$ Girard)의 '모방 폭력(mimetic desire)', 한나 아렌트(Hannah Arendt)의 '악의 평범성(banality of evil)'을 연구하고, 피해자의 입장에서 발생하는 문제는 르네 지라르의 <희생양> 이론을 살펴보았다. 이 연구의 의미는 영화의 재현적 서사를 활용하여 지나간 과거의 대량학살의 재현 불가능성에 도전하고, 진실을 보여주기 위한 방법으로 다큐멘터리와 픽션의 결합을 추구했다. 또한, 가해자와 피해자의 화해는 '중립적인 측면의 공정성'을 확보했다는데 의미가 있다. 지금까지 영화에서 가해자와 피해자의 관계에 대한 연구는 간헐적으로 등장했지만 아직까지 부족한 실정이며, 향후 후속연구에서 좀 더 심도 있는 연구가 진행되어야 할 것이다.

The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between perpetrators and victims in Joshua Oppenheimer's Act of Killing. The theoretical tools used for this purpose were to study $Ren{\acute{e}}$ Girard's "Mimetic desire" and Hannah Arrent's "banality of evil" and to look at $Ren{\acute{e}}$ Girard's theory of "Le Bouc emissaire". The meaning of the study used the reproducible narrative of the film to challenge the reproducibility of past genocide and seek the combination of documentary and fiction as a way to show the truth. Also, the reconciliation between the assailant and the victim is meaningful in securing 'neutrality of fairness'.but they are still lacking, and more in-depth studies will need to be conducted in future further studies.


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Fig. 1. Act of Killng, After the re-enactment of the massacre, the little girl crying scene.

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Fig. 2. Act of Killng, a scene in which Anwar reenactedthe murder of a victim with a wire rope.

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Fig. 3. Pengkianatan G30S/PKI,1984 in The Act of Killing.

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Fig. 4. In Act of Killing, in Pengkianatan G30S/ PKI,1984, a scene in which the general pasted a picture of his face covered with blood with torture, with Anwar Congo and friends making bloody makeup.

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Fig. 5. Act of Killing, scene of Hermann, dressed as aminah, eating liver, and a series of scenes in which the general's forehead is drawn with a razor in Penguinatan G30S/PKI,1984.

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Fig. 6. On the left is a scene of general suffering during Pengkianatan G30S/PKI, 1984, where the Indonesian Communist Party dances while the Indonesian Communist Party sings "Gener-Ginzer," and on the right is Anwar Congo dancing in .

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Fig. 7. Act of Killng, The scene where Anwar is tortured from the perspective of a victim.

Table. 1. Analysis of the Type of Act of Killng

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