조선통신사 축제의 삼사신(三使臣) 조복(朝服) 제작을 위한 제언

A study for the production of three envoys at the Joseon tongsinsa festival

  • 투고 : 2019.03.08
  • 심사 : 2019.06.19
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


The Joseon Tongsinsa Festival has been held annually in May in Busan. It reenacts the procession of the Joseon Tongsinsa that the Joseon Government delegated to Japan four times in the 18th century. In the most important situation during the meandering period, three envoys (Jeongsa, Busa, Jongsagwan) who led the Joseon Tongsinsa, wore Jobok, but at the Joseon Tongsinsa Festival, the three envoys are wearing Jobok, which are not historically accurate. The Jobok called Geumgwan Jobok and were comprised of Yanggwan, Eui, Sang, Jungdan, Peasul, Su, Pumdae, Daedae, Paeok, Hall, Mal, and Hwa. These were ranked from first class to ninth class by personal ornamentation such as Yanggwan, Su, Pumdae, Paeok. So, this study is focused on ascertaining the Jobok of the 18th century for the three envoys who were ranked third grade. This study is based on literature, artifacts, and portraits that can depict the 18th century Jobok including all components. It was based on The 7th Korean Human Body Survey Final Report (2015) in order to produce all components of the Jobok of the modern males in their 50s who are playing the role of the three envoys in the Joseon Tongsinsa Festival.



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