확률분포를 이용한 남한강 보 건설 전·후 수질변화 분석

Analysis of Water-Quality Constituents Variations before and after Weir Construction in South Han River using Probability Distribution

  • 김경섭 (국립한경대학교 토목.안전.환경공학과)
  • Kim, Kyung Sub (Department of Civil, Safety & Environmental Engineering, Hankyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.27
  • 심사 : 2019.01.17
  • 발행 : 2019.01.30


The Four Major Rivers Restoration Project started in 2009 and completed in early 2013 is a large-scale inter-ministry SOC project investing ₩22.2 $10^{12}$ and one of the Project's objectives was to enhance the water-quality grade through recovering the river eco-system and environment. The average concentration and probability distribution of water-quality constituents at given and selected sampling sites are very significant elements for analyzing and controlling the water-quality of rivers or reservoirs effectively. Average concentration can be estimated by point estimator, distribution function of water-quality constituents or Bootstrap method, in which the distribution function estimated with more data in case of insufficient dataset, is applied. Ipo and Gangcheon water-quality monitoring stations in South Han River were selected to compare and analyze the variation of concentration before and after Ipo and Gangcheon Weirs construction, using the whole 4-year's data, from 2005 to 2008 and from 2014 to 2017. Water-quality constituents such as BOD and COD relating to oxygen demanding wastes and TP and Chlorophyll-a relating to the process of nutrient enrichment called eutrophication were also selected. The guidelines for water-quality control and management after weir construction including evaluation of water-quality constituents' variations can be presented by this paper.


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Fig. 1. South Han River Weirs (Gangcheon, Yeoju, Ipo) and monitoring stations.

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Fig. 2. Ipo water-quality constituents variation.

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Fig. 3. Gangcheon water-quality constituents variation.

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Fig. 4. Monitoring data and theoretical Cumulative Distribution Function of COD at Ipo.

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Fig. 5. Monitoring data and theoretical Cumulative Distribution Function of COD at Gangcheon.

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Fig. 6. Distribution of water-quality constituents before and after Ipo-Weir construction.

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Fig. 7. COD probability distribution at Ipo.

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Fig. 8. Risk analysis of COD at Ipo.

Table 1. Critical value of $D^{\alpha}_{n}$

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Table 2. Maximum difference (Dmax) of water-quality constituents

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Table 3. Rejection and acceptance of probability distribution

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Table 4. Mean and standard deviation(s.d.) of the water-quality constituents at Ipo

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Table 5. COD value of cumulative distribution function at Ipo

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Table 6. Mean and standard deviation of the water-quality constituents at Gangcheon

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Table 7. COD value of cumulative distribution function at Gangcheon

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Table 8. Null hypothesis test with significance level α=0.05

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Table 10. Risk of BOD, TP and Chl-a water-quality grade violation at Ipo

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Table 11. Risk of COD water-quality grade violation at Gangcheon

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Table 12. Risk of BOD, TP and Chl-a water-quality grade violation at Gangcheon

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Table 9. Risk of COD water-quality grade violation at Ipo

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