The Educational Effectiveness of Forest Experience Activities

숲체험활동의 교육적 효과

  • Kang, Young-Sik (Dept of Early Childhood Education, Chung-Nam National University) ;
  • Kim, Joeng-Kyoum (Dept of Early Childhood Education, Chung-Nam National University)
  • 강영식 (충남대학교 교육학과 교육대학원 유아교육학과) ;
  • 김정겸 (충남대학교 교육학과 교육대학원 유아교육학과)
  • Received : 2019.04.02
  • Accepted : 2019.05.03
  • Published : 2019.05.31


This study is empirically intended to look into the effects of parents' perception of their children's forest experience activities on educational effectiveness. The results were as follows. First, parents' perception of forest experience operation activities had a significant effect on educational effectiveness according to the period of participation in forest experience education. And their perception of the appropriate number of teachers to support forest experience had a significant effect on educational effectiveness. Second, parents' perception - which it is appropriate for the current daycare centers to participate in forest experience every day except a day with a lot of fine dust and a day with bad weather- had a significant effect on educational effectiveness. And their perception of appropriate forest experience places had a significant effect on educational effectiveness. Third, parents' perception of appropriate time in the day for forest experience activities had a significant effect on educational effectiveness. Fourth, parents' perception of their children's forest experience activities had a significant effect on communication. As for the above-stated findings, there was a significant difference in educational effectiveness and communication according to parents' perception of their children's overall forest experience activities. Consequently, there is the differences in their perception of educational effectiveness in the number of teachers in charge due to outdoor activities, the relationship with weather due to fine dust, forest experience places, education time, etc, indicating that these common concerns are related to the safe educational activities of children.

본 연구는 자녀의 숲체험 활동에 따른 학부모의 인식이 교육적 효과에 미치는 영향력을 밝히는데 목적을 갖고 실증 분석하였는데 그 결과를 보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 숲체험 운영활동에 관한 부모의 인식에 따른 교육효과의 차이에 있어 숲체험 교육에 참여한 기간에 따라 교육효과는 유의한 결과를 나타냈고, 숲체험을 지원하는 교사의 수가 적절하다고 생각하는지 부모의 인식에 따른 교육효과도 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 현어린이집이 미세먼지가 많은 날과 날씨가 안좋은 날을 제외하고 매일 숲체험에 참여에대해 적당하다고 생각하는지에 따라 교육효과는 유의하게 나타났고, 숲체험 장소에 따라 교육효과의 차이도 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 하루동안 숲체험 활동하는 시간에 따른 교육효과도 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 숲체험 활동에 관한 부모의 인식에 따른 소통의 차이에 유의한 차이가 있음을 나타냈다. 이상의 결과를 종합해보면 유아의 숲체험 활동 전반에 대한 부모의 인식에 따라서 교육효과와 소통에 차이가 있음을 의미하며, 이는 실외야외활동에 따른 인솔 교사의 수와 미세먼지에 따른 날씨와의 연관성 및 숲체험 장소와 교육소요시간 등에서 교육적 효과에 따른 인식의 차이가 다름은 이들의 공통된 관심사항으로 유아들의 안전한 교육활동과 연관되어 있음을 시사한 것으로 평가할 수 있다.


Table 1. Questionnaire Composition

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Table 2. Frequency Analysis

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Table 3. Reliability and Validity Analysis of Scales

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Table 4. Parents’ Perception of Forest Experience Operating Environment and ANOVA of Educational Effect

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Table 5. Parents’ Perception of Forest Experience Operating Environment and ANOVA of Parent-Child Communication

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Table 6. Regression Analysis of the Effects of Parent-Child Communication on Education

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