Multiple Human Recognition for Networked Camera based Interactive Control in IoT Space

  • Received : 2018.09.28
  • Accepted : 2019.01.05
  • Published : 2019.01.31


We propose an active color model based method for tracking motions of multiple human using a networked multiple-camera system in IoT space as a human-robot coexistent system. An IoT space is a space where many intelligent devices, such as computers and sensors(color CCD cameras for example), are distributed. Human beings can be a part of IoT space as well. One of the main goals of IoT space is to assist humans and to do different services for them. In order to be capable of doing that, IoT space must be able to do different human related tasks. One of them is to identify and track multiple objects seamlessly. In the environment where many camera modules are distributed on network, it is important to identify object in order to track it, because different cameras may be needed as object moves throughout the space and IoT space should determine the appropriate one. This paper describes appearance based unknown object tracking with the distributed vision system in IoT space. First, we discuss how object color information is obtained and how the color appearance based model is constructed from this data. Then, we discuss the global color model based on the local color information. The process of learning within global model and the experimental results are also presented.


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Fig. 1 Concept of IoT space.

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Fig. 2 Object recognition process.

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Fig. 3 Tracking process based on mean shift.

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Fig. 4 Active model learning process.

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Fig. 5 Multiple human tracking results.

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Fig. 6 Active color models of three humans.

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Fig. 7 Comparison of the active Models.


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