Change of teacher knowledge through task design in the teacher-researcher community : Focused on knowledge of students in the area of derivatives application

교사연구공동체에서 과제설계를 통한 교사 지식의 변화 : 도함수 활용 영역에서 학생에 대한 지식을 중심으로

  • Received : 2019.03.22
  • Accepted : 2019.05.14
  • Published : 2019.05.31


In this study, we analyzed the change of teacher knowledge through task design in the teacher-researcher community focused on knowledge of students in the area of derivatives application. The following subjects were studied. First, we have analyzed the focus of the discussion related to teacher knowledge of students within the teacher-researcher community. Second, we have analyzed the change of teacher knowledge of students according to the focus. The results of this study are as follows. First, community member' different knowledge of students led the discussion on the task solving paths. The main focus of the discussion was the possibility in inducing responses and motivation. Second, the process of reviewing and evaluating task solving paths and reaching consensus led the improvement of teacher knowledge. Teachers and researchers led changes of teacher knowledge by sharing the knowledge based on previous research and experience, respectively. This ultimately shows the necessity of co-learning between teachers and researchers in teacher education.

이 연구에서는 다양한 경력과 지식을 지닌 교사와 연구자로 구성된 교사연구공동체의 과제설계를 통해, 도함수 활용에서 고등학교 인문계열 2학년 학생에 대한 교사 지식의 변화를 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 첫째, 공동체 구성원들이 지닌 학생에 대한 지식의 차이는 과제 해결 경로에 대한 논의를 이끌었다. 둘째, 과제 해결 경로에 대한 검토를 거쳐 합의에 이르는 과정은 교사 지식의 변화를 가져왔다. 교사와 연구자는 각각 선행연구와 경험에 근거한 지식을 공유함으로써 지식의 변화를 이끌었으며, 이는 궁극적으로 교사교육에 있어 교사와 연구자 공동학습의 필요성을 보여준다.


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[Fig. 1] Domain map for mathematical knowledge for teaching(Ball et al., 2008, p. 403)

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[Fig. 2] Teacher's knowledge of student required to design tasks and to make hypothesis about task solving paths

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[Fig. 3] Task design process through discussion within the teacher-researcher community

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[Fig. 4] Graph interpretation task

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[Fig. 7] Interpretation task about graph which has extreme value

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[Fig. 9] The final task of [Fig. 7]

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[Fig. 11] The final task of [Fig. 8]

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[Fig. 5] Exemplification of increasing function when f′(χ) = 0  

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[Fig. 8] Exemplification of functions which have extreme value

[Table 3] The change in the tasks sequence

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[Table 5] Student's affective aspect perceived by teacher in the course of the revision of the task

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[Table 1] Participants of the teacher-researcher community

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[Table 2] Meeting date and topics

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[Table 4] The change of the task

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[Table 6] The change of the task

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[Table 7] The change of the task

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[Table 8] Focus of discussion and changes of tasks revealing changes of teacher knowledge according to focus

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  1. 수학 교사 공동체 관련 국내·외 연구 동향 vol.34, pp.4, 2020,