Fig. 1. ‘False Positive’ report for person and fire objects during 55 days after installing deep learning-based CCTV accident detection system
Fig. 2. ‘False Positive’ samples occurred by deep learning-based accident detection system in tunnel monitoring
Fig. 3. Similarity between ‘True Positive’ and ‘False Positive’ samples for fire and person objects
Fig. 4. Deep learning training process including False Positive data
Fig. 5. Test results of deep learning models
Fig. 6. ‘False Positive’ report for fire objects during 97 days after installing deep learning-based CCTV accident detection system
Table 1. 4 kinds of prediction result for testing data
Table 2. Composition of labeling data and ‘False Positive’ data
Table 3. Training dataset models
Table 4. Training condition of a deep learning algorithm
Table 5. The number of ‘False Positives’ resulted in site from trained models with ‘False Positive’ data
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