The Key Factors of Big Data Utilization for Improvement of Management Quality of Companies in terms of Technology, Organization and Environment

기술, 조직, 환경 관점에서 기업의 경영품질 향상을 위한 빅데이터 활용의 핵심요인에 관한 연구

  • 신수행 (전남대학교 일반대학원 경영학과) ;
  • 이상준 (전남대학교 경영대학)
  • Received : 2019.02.25
  • Accepted : 2019.03.25
  • Published : 2019.03.31


The IoT environment has led to explosive growth of existing enterprise data, and how to utilize such big data is becoming an important issue in the management field. In this paper, major factors affecting the decisions of companies to utilize big data have been studied. And also, the effect of big data utilization on the management quality is studied empirically. During this process, we have studied the difference according to the award of Korean national quality award. As a result of the study, we confirmed that the five factors such as cost from technology, organization and environment perspective, compatibility, company size, chief officer support, and competitor pressure are key factors influencing big data utilization. Also, it was confirmed that the use of big data for management activities has an important influence on the six management quality factors based on MBNQA, and that the management quality level of Korean national quality award companies is relatively high. This paper provides practical implications for companies' use of big data because it demonstrates for the first time that big data utilization has an impact on management quality improvement.


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TOE Framework(1990)

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Research Model

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Schematic of Verification Result

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Causal Relationship Verification Model Diagram

Operational Definitions for the Variables

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General Characteristics of Sample

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Results of Reliability Analysis

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TOE Variables in Previous Studies

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Result of Exploratory Factor Analysis

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The Fitness Index of the Research Model

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Path Analysis Results of Research Model

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Moderating Effect of National Quality Awards

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