Effects of environmental enrichments on performance and behavior characteristics of sows during gestating period

환경보조물이 임신모돈의 생산성 및 행동특성에 미치는 영향

  • Jeong, Yong-Dae (Swine Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Kim, Doo-Wan (Swine Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Min, Ye-Jin (Swine Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Jung, Hyun-Jung (Swine Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Cho, Eun-Seok (Swine Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration) ;
  • Kim, Young-Hwa (Swine Science Division, National Institute of Animal Science, Rural Development Administration)
  • 정용대 (농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 양돈과) ;
  • 김두완 (농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 양돈과) ;
  • 민예진 (농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 양돈과) ;
  • 정현정 (농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 양돈과) ;
  • 조은석 (농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 양돈과) ;
  • 김영화 (농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 양돈과)
  • Received : 2019.01.09
  • Accepted : 2019.04.05
  • Published : 2019.04.30


Many countries have interested animal welfare. Similarly, domestic people have concern for the welfare from companion animals to livestock. Environmental enrichments (EE) are tool to enforce the welfare, however, research with sows is limited. Therefore, this study was investigate to effects of environmental enrichments on performance and behavior properties of gestating sows. A total of 30 pregnant sows (Landrace) were assigned into three treatments that control, T1 (plastic device) and T2 (Rice straw). Period of trial was from Mar. 03. 18. to Mary 19. 18. The EE were allotted to center of experimental pen ($11.6{\times}6.0m$). Body weight (BW), backfat thickness (BF) and cortisol were identified at experimental initial or end date. Behavior was recorded during 24 hours on days 91 of gestation, and then analyzed the patterns. BF was reduced (15.73 vs. 16.56 mm; p>0.05) in T1 than control, but Ending BW, total litter size and alive piglets did not differ. Born dead piglets showed lower tendency (1.00 and 0.63 vs. 1.50 heads; p>0.05) in T1 and T2 than control. Similarly, the enrichments declined farrowing mortality (C, 8.68%; T1, 6.86%; T2, 3.40%; p>0.05). Cortisol was not differed among treatments. In the behavior characteristics, eating showed lower (1.81 vs. 9.68 and 6.99%; p<0.05) in T2 than control and T1. Furthermore, playing or digging were only observed (0.33 and 2.10%; p<0.05) in T1 and T2, respectively, whereas rubbing (0.91%, p<0.05) only showed in the control. These results suggest that the provision of EE would be not negatively affected the performance of the gestating sows and could be led to improvement of the livestock welfare.

동물복지의 관심고조는 전 세계적인 동향이며 최근 국내 소비자들의 복지는 반려동물에서 경제동물인 가축으로 확산되고 있다. 환경보조물은 동물복지수준 강화에 유용한 수단으로 활용되고 있으나 임신돈에서는 관련 연구는 제한적이다. 따라서, 본 연구는 환경보조물이 임신모돈의 생산성 및 행동특성에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 실시하였다. 시험동물은 30두의 임신돈(랜드레이스)를 준비하였고, 완전임의배치법에 의거하여 3개 처리구(대조구; T1, 플라스틱 소재 놀이기구; T2, 볏짚)에 처리구당 10두씩 배치하였다. 사양시험은 임신 28-105일령동안이며 볏짚과 놀이기구는 시험돈방($11.6{\times}6.0m$) 중앙에 배치하였다. 시험 종료일에 체중 및 등지방두께를 측정하였으며 혈중 코티졸 농도를 분석하였다. 행동특성 분석을 위해 임신 91일령에 행동패턴을 24시간 촬영하였고 행동특성을 분석하였다. 시작 및 종료체중은 대조구 및 처리구간 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 등지방두께는 대조구보다 T2에서 감소하였다(C, 16.56mm vs. T2, 15.73mm; p>0.05). 총산자수, 실산자수는 처리구간 차이가 없다. 사산수는 T1 및 T2에서 대조구보다 감소하였다(1.00 and 0.63 vs. 1.50두; p>0.05). 분만폐사율은 사산수와 유사한 경향을 보였다(C, 8.68%; T1, 6.86%; T2, 3.40%). 혈중 코티졸은 대조구 및 처리구간 차이가 없다. 섭취행동은 T2에서 대조구 및 T1 처리구보다 감소하였다(1.81 vs. 9.68 and 6.99%; p<0.05). 놀이 및 파헤치기 행동은 각각 T1와 T2 처리구에서만 확인되었다(p<0.05). 반면에 사육시설에 문지르기 행동은 대조구에서만 관촬되었다(p<0.05). 이러한 결과는 환경보조물 제공이 임신돈의 생산성에 부정적인 영향을 미치지 않으면서 돼지의 행동특성은 복지향상에 도움이 될 것으로 판단된다.


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Fig. 1. Image of environmental enrichments provided in experimental pen for pigs. (A) control without enrichments, (B) a plastic device, (c) a rice straw.

Table 1. Formula and chemical compositions of the experimental diets

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Table 2. Behavior classification of pigs

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Table 4. Effect of environmental enrichments on action duration ratio and frequency by behavioral classification in gestating sows

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