Assessment of Biological Water Quality Using Epilithic Diatoms in the Upper Region of Nakdong River

낙동강 상류 수계에서 부착돌말류를 이용한 생물학적 수질 평가

  • Received : 2018.11.13
  • Accepted : 2019.02.14
  • Published : 2019.04.30


This study assessed biological water quality using epilithic diatoms in the Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream in the upper region of the Nakdong river from May to October 2016. Epilithic diatoms were not mobile, so they could reflect long-term water quality. The sampled epilithic diatoms were identified a total 158 taxa which were composed to 2 orders, 3 suborders, 8 families, 34 genera, 143 species and 15 varieties. Dominant species were Achnanthes convergens and Achnanthes minutissima at Yeong river, Nitzschia inconspicua at Naeseong stream, and Achnanthes minutissima, Cocconeis placentula var. lineata and Navicula minima at Wi stream. As a result of the CCA, Electrical conductivity, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were important factors determining the diatom species composition in the upper region of the Nakdong river. The correlation between diatom indices (DAIpo & TDI) measured to be high in the correlation coefficient (0.87) from the result of correlation analysis. In the result of the assessment of biological water quality using DAIpo and TDI, Yeong river was rated as class A at most sites. Naeseong stream was rated as class C to D at all sites except for N1 which was rated as Class A. Wi stream was rated as class B to C for DAIpo of W1, and TDI was rated as class D. The assessment of biological water quality at this site showed inferior TDI result compared to that of DAIpo. DAIpo and TDI of W2 were rated as class A to D, and the water quality has changed a lot. W3 and W4 were mostly rated as class B and C respectively.

낙동강 상류 수계에 위치한 영강, 내성천과 위천을 대상으로 2016년 5월부터 10월까지 부착돌말류를 이용한 생물학적 수질 평가를 하였다. 부착돌말류는 이동성이 없어 장기적인 수질상태를 반영할 수 있다. 채집된 부착돌말류는 총 158 분류군으로 2목 3아목 8과 34속 143종 15변종으로 구성되어 있다. 영강은 Achnanthes convergens 와 Achnanthes minutissima, 내성천은 Nitzschia inconspicua, 위천은 Achnanthes minutissima, Cocconeis placentula var. lineata와 Navicula minima가 우점하였다. CCA 분석 결과, 낙동강 상류 수계에서는 전기전도도, 총인과 총질소가 부착돌말류의 종조성에 중요한 요인들로 나타났다. 상관분석 결과, 부착돌말지수들(DAIpo 와 TDI)은 서로 높은 상관성(0.87)을 보였다. 부착돌말지수(DAIpo와 TDI)를 이용한 생물학적 수질평가 결과, 영강은 대부분의 지점에서 A등급으로 평가되었다. 내성천은 A등급으로 평가된 N1을 제외한 모든 지점에서 C~D등급으로 평가되었다. 위천은 W1의 DAIpo가 B~C등급이나 TDI는 D등급으로 평가되어, 이 지점의 생물학적 수질 평가는 DAIpo보다 TDI의 결과가 더 불량한 것으로 나타났다. W2의 DAIpo와 TDI는 A~D등급으로 수질의 변화가 심하였다. W3와 W4의 DAIpo와 TDI는 대부분 B와 C등급으로 각각 평가되었다.


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Figure 1. A map showing the sampling sites at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream located in the upper region of the Nakdong river from May to October 2016

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Figure 2. Ecological groups(%) of water quality indicators at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream from May to October 2016(A: May, B: August, C: October)

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Figure 3. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination of the two axes showing the scores for the species and the environmental factors at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream from May to October 2016(Aa: Achnanthes alteragracillima, Ac: Achnanthes convergens, Ad: Achnanthes delicatula, Ae: Achnanthes exigua, Ai: Achnanthes clevei, Al: Achnanthes lanceolata, Am: Achnanthes minutissima, Ar: Achnanthes laterostrata, As: Achnanthes subhudsonis, At: Achnanthes atomus, Au: Amphora pediculus, Cc: Cymbella cymbiformis, Cg: Cymbella turgidula, Ci: Cymbella silesiaca, Cm: Cymbella minuta, Cp: Cocconeis pediculus, Cpe: Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta, Cpl: Cocconeis placentula var. lineata, Cy: Cyclotella pseudostelligera, Fb: Fragilaria construens var. binodis, Fc: Fragilaria construens, Fe: Fragilaria elliptica, Fm: Fragilaria construens var. mesolepta, Fp: Fragilaria pinnata, Fv: Fragilaria construens var. venter, Ga: Gomphonema angustum, Gc: Gomphonema clevei, Gm: Gomphonema minutum, Gp: Gomphonema parvulum, Gu: Gomphonema pumilum, Ha: Hannaea arcus var. subarcus, Mv: Melosira varians, Na: Navicula atomus, Nc: Navicula cincta, Nd: Navicula decussis, Ne: Navicula perminuta, Ng: Navicula gregaria, Nh: Navicula amphiceropsis, Nm: Navicula minima, Np: Navicula pupula, Ns: Navicula seminulum, Nu: Navicula subminuscula, Ra: Rhoicosphenia abbreviata, Rs: Reimeria sinuate, Nia: Nitzschia amphibia, Nif: Nitzschia fonticola, Nii: Nitzschia inconspicua, Nil: Nitzschia paleacea, Nip: Nitzschia palea, Nir: Nitzschia frustulum, Nit: Nitzschia tabellaria)

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Figure 4. DAIpo and TDI at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream from May to October 2016

Table 1. Environmental factors at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream from May to October 2016

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Table 2. Seasonal changes of dominant and subdominant species at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream from May to October 2016

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Table 3. Seasonal changes of DAIpo and TDI at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream from May to October 2016

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Table 4. Correlation coefficients among epilithic diatom indices (DAIpo, TDI) and environmental factors at Yeong river, Naeseong stream and Wi stream from May to October 2016

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