경기육괴 남서부 곰섬 일대 태안층의 지질구조

Geological Structures of the Taean Formation in the Gomseom Area, Southwestern Gyeonggi Massif

  • 김인호 (경북대학교 지구시스템과학부 지질학전공) ;
  • 김애지 (경북대학교 지구시스템과학부 지질학전공) ;
  • 우하영 (경북대학교 지구시스템과학부 지질학전공) ;
  • 박승익 (경북대학교 지구시스템과학부 지질학전공)
  • Kim, Inho (Department of Geology, School of Earth System Science, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Kim, Ae-Ji (Department of Geology, School of Earth System Science, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Woo, Hayoung (Department of Geology, School of Earth System Science, Kyungpook National University) ;
  • Park, Seung-Ik (Department of Geology, School of Earth System Science, Kyungpook National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.03
  • 심사 : 2019.04.27
  • 발행 : 2019.04.28


경기육괴 서부는 현생이언의 섭입/충돌 지구조운동을 기록하고 있어 한반도의 지각진화사를 이해하는데 매우 중요한 지역이다. 본 논문은 경기육괴 남서부 곰섬 일대에 분포하는 태안층에 대한 구조지질학적 연구 결과를 제시한다. 야외조사를 통해 획득한 구조요소들의 상관관계를 해석하고 구조구 별 하반구 투영 해석, 하향 투영 단면 작성을 수행한 결과, 연구지역 내에는 적어도 세 번의 서로 다른 변형작용($D_1$, $D_2$, $D_3$)이 인지된다. (1) 첫 번째 변형작용($D_1$)은 백운모와 흑운모의 정향배열로 뚜렷하게 정의되는 층리와 아평행한 광역엽리를 형성하였다. (2) 두 번째 변형작용($D_2$)과 관련하여 주로 북북동-남남서 방향을 가지는 저각의 수축성 단층과 이와 관련된 파랑습곡 및 벽개가 형성되었다. 파랑습곡의 힌지(파랑선구조)는 대체로 남남서~남남동 혹은 북북서~북북동 방향을 향해 저각으로 침강한다. 파랑벽개는 주로 서쪽으로 저각 경사하나 일부 구조구에서는 동쪽으로 경사하는 양상이 인지된다. (3) 세 번째 변형작용($D_3$)에서는 전반적으로 남동 방향으로 침강하는 힌지를 가지는 대규모 습곡들과 이와 관련된 북동-남서 방향의 단층들이 형성되었다. $D_3$ 변형에 의해 형성된 대규모 단층과 습곡의 경우 '단층 수반 습곡(fault-related fold)' 혹은 '습곡 수용 단층(fold-accommodation fault)'으로서 해석되며, 이는 기원적으로 상호 간 밀접한 관계를 가짐을 의미한다. 연구결과는 태안층 및 더 나아가 섭입/충돌 조산대로서 경기육괴 서부가 기록하고 있는 구조적인 진화사를 규명하는 데에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.

The western Gyeonggi Massif, where records evidence of Phanerozoic subduction/collision tectonics, is an important area to understand the crustal evolutionary history of the Korean Peninsula. This study presents geometric and kinematic characteristics of the geological structures of the Taean Formation in the Gomseom area, southwestern Gyeonggi Massif. We interpreted the geometric relationships between structural elements, and conducted stereographic and down-plunge projections for structural domains. As a result, at least three different deformational events ($D_1$, $D_2$ and $D_3$) are recognized in the study area. In the first deformational event ($D_1$), regional foliations being well defined by the preferred orientation of muscovite and biotite were formed. In the second deformational event ($D_2$), NNE-trending low-angle contractional faults and related crenulation lineations/cleavages were formed. The crenulation lineations shallowly plunge toward SSW~SSE or NNW~NNE. In the third deformational event ($D_3$), SE-plunging folds and NE-trending high-angle faults were formed as 'fault-related fold' and 'fold-accommodation fault', indicating that the $D_3$ folds and faults are genetically linked to each other. This contribution provides important insights into the structural evolution of the Taean Formation along western Gyeonggi Massif, where had evolved as subduction/collisional orogenic belts in the East Asia.


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Fig. 1. Geological map of the Taean-Anmyeondo area (adapted from de Jong et al., 2014).

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Fig. 2. Outcrop photographs (a, b) and micrographs (c, d) of metasandstone and schist of the Taean Formation. Abbreviation - Qtz: Quartz, Bt: Biotite, Ms: Muscovite.

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Fig. 3. Structural map of the study area showing the location of following figures (satellite map from

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Fig. 4. Equal area stereograms showing various structural components in each domain. Left stereogram: poles (contoured) to regional foliation (circle), π-axis (square), and hinges of the minor fold (triangle). Right stereogram: crenulation lineations (circle) and cleavages (great circle).

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Fig. 5. Profile constructed by down-plunge projection in each domain. The projection axes for domain 1-4 are 36.2°/120.6°, 53.2°/035.8°, 31.8°/130.7° and 53°/342.5°, respectively, that are selected from π-pole to fold (refer Figure 4). Bold black line: fault trace, Gray line: bed trace.

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Fig. 7. Outcrop photographs of D2 structures. Thrust fault (a) and related minor folds (b, c) showing top-up-to-the NW sense of shear. Low-angle contractional fault zone (d) and its cataclastic foliation (e) showing top-down-to-the SE sense of shear.

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Fig. 8. Outcrop photographs of D3 structures. NW-trending low-angle fault (a) and related minor folds (b, c) showing top-tothe NW sense of shear. (d) NE-trending high-angle fault showing anticlockwise block movement. (e) Out-of-hinge fault.

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Fig. 9. Equal area stereogram showing poles (contoured) to crenulation cleavage in all domains and π-axis (square) indicative of the overprint by a later folding event (D3).

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Fig. 6. (a) Outcrop photograph showing shallowly-plunging crenulation lineation. (b) Micrograph of crenulation cleavage. Abbreviation - Bt: Biotite, Ms: Muscovite.


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