FIGURE 1. A 0-handle attaching (left). A 1-handle attaching (right).
FIGURE 2. An exact Legendrian cobordism from Λ'' to Λ. In the third line, we use a 1-handle attaching. In the fourth line,we use a Legendrian isotopy. In this picture, for simplicity,we suppose that there is no crossing oriented upward. In the case where there are some crossings oriented upward, we can construct a Legendrian cobordism similarly.
FIGURE 3. Bunching deformation
FIGURE 5. Two almost positive diagrams of 10145, which is an almost positive knot. The left diagram satises (P1). The right diagram satisfies (P2).
FIGURE 6. Deformation near the negative crossing
FIGURE 8. The proof of Theorem 1.6 for s = 2. A box in this picture represents a positive crossing. The front projection ∆ of the Legendrian link Λ is the left. By using the Legen-drian version of the Reidemeister move II, we obtain the right diagram ∆'.
FIGURE 9. An almost positive knot introduced by Stoimenow [40, Example 6.1].
FIGURE 10. The knot Kn has an almost positive diagram satisfying (P2) (right). The crossing p is the negative crossing.
FIGURE 4. (color online) Sketch for the proof of Lemma 3.1. The picture (i) is D. In pictures (ii)-(ix), we draw a crossing derived from a crossing of D by a rectangle.
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