인체 골격의 좌표형 임상용어체계 표준 개발 : SNOMED CT 기반의 융복합 연구

Development of Clinical Terminology System for Human Body : Convergence Research of SNOMED CT

  • 투고 : 2019.01.31
  • 심사 : 2019.04.20
  • 발행 : 2019.04.28


본 연구는 인체 골격의 좌표형 임상용어체계 표준을 개발하기 위한 방법론적 연구이다. 문헌고찰과 자료 수집을 통해 연구 계획을 수립하여 예비 표준(안)을 만들고 전문가 세미나와 자문을 통해 수정 표준(안)을 만든 후 내용타당도 검증 후 최종(안)을 제시하는 4단계를 거쳐 표준을 개발하였다. 좌표형 임상용어체계 표준은 인체 이미지를 2D는 x, y축, 3D는 x,y,z축으로 좌표화하고, 좌표의 개념과 정의는 SNOMED CT의 FSN, Synonym, Preferred name으로 선조합하고 후조합은 개발 된 18개의 Relationship을 통해 정의되고, 개발된 Relationship 표준의 내용타당도 지수는 평균 4.01점이었다. 본 연구를 통해 인체 골격 이외의 뇌, 장기, 조직 등의 인체의 다른 부분에 대한 후속 표준 개발을 제언하고 임상에서 활용성을 높이기 위한 방법 연구를 제언한다.

This is a methodological study to develop standards for human body coordinate clinical terminology system. The Standard was developed through four stages: Stage 1 - research plan was developed through literature review and data collection. Stage 2 - preliminary standard was created. Stage 3 - the standard was revised in accordance with the consultation of experts through seminars. Stage 4 - Final version of the standard was presented after verification of the content level. 2D human body images are expressed as x, y axes, and 3D images are expressed as x, y, z axes. Concepts and definitions of coordinates were preassembled into FSN, synonyms and preferred names of SNOMED CT. The latter combination was defined through 18 relationships. The average index was 4.01 for the content validity of the developed relationship standard. This research suggests that subsequent standards should be developed for other parts of the human body such as the brain, organs, and tissues. Also, it suggests that methodological research should be continued to increase the utilization of the standard in clinical practice.


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Fig. 1. Method of Coordinate Human Body 3D Images

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Fig. 2. Clinical Terminology System for Human Body

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Fig. 3. Example of Coordinate Human Body 3D Images

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Fig. 4. Example of Clinical Terminology System of Human Body

Table 1. Course of Study

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Table 2. Content Validity for Standard of Clinical Terminology System for Human Body

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