Comparison of Image Duplication Detection Using the Polar Coordinates System and Histogram of Oriented Gradients Methods

  • 투고 : 2018.11.09
  • 심사 : 2019.01.15
  • 발행 : 2019.03.31


In the current era of digital technology, and with the help of existing software, digital photo manipulation is becoming easier and faster. One example of this is the development of powerful image processing software that makes it easy for a digital image to be manipulated and edited. It is therefore very important to protect and maintain public trust in digital images. Several methods have been developed to detect image manipulation. In this paper, we compare two methods for detecting image duplication due to copy-move actions, namely the polar coordinate system and the histogram of oriented gradients methods. The former is a method based on the transfer of a Cartesian image to a polar form, making it easy to tell whether there are objects that have undergone a copy/move in an image, while the latter is a method for retrieving information related to the distribution, which uses a target in the local area as a tool to represent the shape of the target. We compare the accuracy, speed and memory usage of these two methods.


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Fig. 1. Example of magnitude and theta of gradient [8].

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Fig. 2. PCS flowchart.

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Fig. 3. HOG flowchart.

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Fig. 4. Result of test image 1 using PCS with a block size of eight.

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Fig. 5. Result of test image 2 using PCS with block size of eight.

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Fig. 6. Result of test image 3 using PCS with block size of eight.

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Fig. 7. Result of test image 1 using PCS with a block size of 16.

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Fig. 8. Result of test image 2 using PCS with a block size of 16.

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Fig. 9. Result of test image 3 using PCS with a block size of 16.

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Fig. 10. Result of test image 1 using HOG with a block size of eight.

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Fig. 11. Result of test image 2 using HOG with a block size of eight.

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Fig. 12. Result of test image 3 using HOG with a block size of eight.

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Fig. 13. Result of test image 1 using HOG with a block size of 16.

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Fig. 14. Result of test image 2 using HOG with a block size of 16.

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Fig. 15. Result of test image 3 using HOG with a block size of 16.

Table 1. Accuracy of the PCS method

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Table 2. Processing time for the PCS method

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Table 3. Memory usage in the PCS method

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Table 4. Accuracy of the HOG method

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Table 5. Processing time for the HOG method

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Table 6. Memory usage in the HOG method

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