Fig. 1. Boryeong-dam watershed
Fig. 2. CAT system configuration by infiltration methods
Fig. 3. Water balance of Boryeong-dam watershed
Fig. 4. CAT simulation for 2000-2004 of SIM_(1)
Fig. 5. CAT simulation for 2005-2009 of SIM_(1)
Fig. 6. CAT simulation for 2010-2014 of SIM_(1)
Fig. 7. CAT simulation for 2015-2017 of SIM_(1)
Fig. 8. Yearly variations of calibrated parameters (a) Rainfall Excess method before applying average value of θs (b) Green&Ampt method (c) Horton mothod (d) Rainfall Excess method after applying average value of θs
Table 1. Selected sensitive parameters for each infiltration methods
Table 2. Scenarios depending on the period of calibration and verification
Table 3. Results of Rainfall Excess infiltration method before calibration
Table 4. Results of Green&Ampt infiltration method before calibration
Table 5. Results of Horton infiltration method before calibration
Table 6. Results of Rainfall Excess infiltration method after calibration
Table 7. Results of Green&Ampt infiltration method after calibration
Table 8. Results of Horton infiltration method after calibration
Table 9. Results of scenarios depending on the period of calibration and verification (a) SIM_(1) (b) SIM_(2) (c) SIM_(3)
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