Fig. 1. Sample equipments used to minimize disturbance of fault core during specimens preparation for the direct shear test.
Fig. 2. Representative outcrop photographs of the fault cores used in this study. (a) and (b) in andesitic rock are composed of mixed gouge and cataclasite of various colors, and the fault breccia and damage zone are partially observed. (c) and (d) of granite in Ulsan Fault are developed with low dip of reddish brown and pinkish gouge with a maximum thickness of 30 cm, and no cataclasite or breccia is observed. (e) in the Cretaceous sedimentary rock is composed of whitish gouge and greenish gray cataclasite and (f) located in Danyang is contains dark gray to black gouge due to the influence of coaly shale.
Fig. 3. Box plots for shear strength of fault cores in andesitic rock, granite, and sedimentary rock under normal stress (a) 54 kPa, (b) 108 kPa, and (c) 162 kPa. The gray boxes are IQRs (inter-quartile ranges).
Fig. 4. Photographs showing (a) a fault core specimen after the direct shear test and (b) the procedure of sieve test (using sieve No. 4 and No. 200) and soil washing test.
Fig. 5. Box plots for particle size of fault cores in andesitic rock, granite, and sedimentary rock. The gray boxes are IQRs (inter-quartile ranges).
Fig. 6. Results of simple regression analysis between the shear strength and content of breccia and clay in (a) andesitic rock, (b) granite, and (c) sedimentary rock under normal stress 54 kPa. The dotted lines are the UCI (upper confidence interval) and LCI (lower confidence interval) for 95% confidence Interval.
Fig. 7. Results of simple regression analysis between the shear strength and content of breccia and clay in (a) andesitic rock,(b) granite, and (c) sedimentary rock under normal stress 108 kPa. The dotted lines are the UCI (upper confidence interval)and LCI (lower confidence interval) for 95% confidence Interval.
Fig. 8. Results of simple regression analysis between the shear strength and content of breccia and clay in (a) andesitic rock,(b) granite, and (c) sedimentary rock under normal stress 162 kPa. The dotted lines are the UCI (upper confidence interval)and LCI (lower confidence interval) for 95% confidence Interval.
Fig. 9. Comparative analysis of coefficients of determination (R2) estimated from simple regression analysis.
Fig. 10. Comparative analysis of the regression coefficients on content of (a) breccia and (b) clay in each normal stress (σn=54, 108, and 162 kPa) estimated from simple regression analysis. Abbreviations of rock type are as follows: andesitic rock (AR), granite (GR), and sedimentary rock (SR).
Fig. 11. Comparative analysis of coefficients of determination (R2) estimated from simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. Abbreviations of rock type are as follows: andesitic rock (AR), granite (GR), and sedimentary rock (SR).
Table 1. Shear strength values of fault cores in andesitic rock, granite, and sedimentary rock under normal stress (σn) 54 kPa, 108 kPa, and 162 kPa. Abbreviations of rock type are as follows: andesitic rock (AR), granite (GR), and sedimentary rock (SR)
Table 2. Results of particle size analysis for fault cores in andesitic rock, granite, and sedimentary rock. Abbreviations ofrock type are as follows: andesitic rock (AR), granite (GR), and sedimentary rock (SR)
Table 3. Results of the multiple regression analysis showing the regression coefficients of the independent variables (breccia and clay) for each rock type under normal stress 54 kPa
Table 4. Results of the multiple regression analysis showing the regression coefficients of the independent variables (breccia and clay) for each rock type under normal stress 108 kPa
Table 5. Results of the multiple regression analysis showing the regression coefficients of the independent variables (breccia and clay) for each rock type under normal stress 162 kPa
Table 6. Regression equations for the shear strength of fault core estimated by simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis
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