Zero-Current-Switching in Full-Bridge DC-DC Converters Based on Activity Auxiliary Circuit

  • Chu, Enhui (College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeast University) ;
  • Lu, Ping (College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeast University) ;
  • Xu, Chang (College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeast University) ;
  • Bao, Jianqun (College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeast University)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.07
  • 심사 : 2018.12.06
  • 발행 : 2019.03.20


To address the problem of circulating current loss in the traditional zero-current switching (ZCS) full-bridge (FB) DC/DC converter, a ZCS FB DC/DC converter topology and modulation strategy is proposed in this paper. The strategy can achieve ZCS turn on and zero-voltage and zero-current switching (ZVZCS) turn off for the primary switches and realize ZVZCS turn on and zero-voltage switching (ZVS) turn off for the auxiliary switches. Moreover, its resonant circuit power is small. Compared with the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter, the new converter decreases circulating current loss and does not increase the current stress of the primary switches and the voltage stress of the rectifier diodes. The diodes turn off naturally when the current decreases to zero. Thus, neither reverse recovery current nor loss on diodes occurs. In this paper, we analyzed the operating principle, steady-state characteristics and soft-switching conditions and range of the converter in detail. A 740 V/1 kW, 100 kHz experimental prototype was established, verifying the effectiveness of the converter through experimental results.



With the advantages of simple topology, easy control, and high efficiency, the full-bridge converter is widely used in high-power applications, such as power supply, renewable energy, and electric vehicle traction systems [1], [2]. Soft-switching technology has the following advantages: improving operating environment and reliability of power switches, reducing power losses and sizes of converters, enhancing efficiency, suppressing the exorbitant dv/dt and di/dt, and cutting down electromagnetic interference (EMI) and system noise effectively [3]-[5].

Traditional phase shift zero-voltage full-bridge DC–DC converters [6], [7] can solve the problem of hard-switching of the primary switch, but the lagging switches are suffering from realizing soft-switching difficultly under the light load condition, thereby limiting the load range of the converter. To solve this problem, various zero-voltage and zero-current switching (ZVZCS) full-bridge converters [8]-[11] based on auxiliary circles were proposed. The leading switch realizes ZVS and the lagging switch realizes ZCS. It widens the soft-switching range and reduces the switching loss of the lagging switch, but the leading switch does not realize the ZCS turn off. The great switching loss in the primary switch still exists.

In order to solve the problem of great switching loss in the primary switch, zero-current switching full-bridge converters have been proposed in [12]-[14]. To achieve ZCS turn off of the primary switch, the auxiliary switch and additional transformer is added to the primary switch in [12]. Unfortunately, the additional transformer increases the magnetic loss and the volume of the converter. In [13], two auxiliary switches are connected in parallel in the secondary to achieve ZCS turn off of the primary switch of the converter. However, ZCS turn off is only achieved under a discontinuous conduction mode, and the auxiliary switches are hard turn off, thereby increasing the total losses of converters. The reference [14] proposed to add an active auxiliary circle in the primary and a passive snubber circuit on the secondary side of the converter, respectively, to achieve the ZCS turn-off of the leading switch and the ZCS turn-off of the lagging switch. Unfortunately, these auxiliary circuits are complex and increase the current and voltage stress of the power switches; moreover, they result in additional circulating current loss.

To solve the aforementioned issues, a ZCS full-bridge DC/DC converter and modulation strategy is proposed in this paper. The converter realizes ZCS turn-on and ZVZCS turn-off of primary switches and achieves ZVZCS turn-on and ZVS turn-off of auxiliary switches. The converter decreases circulating current loss and does not increase the current stress of the primary switches and the voltage stress of the rectifier diodes. The diodes turn off naturally when the current decreases to zero. Thus, no reverse recovery current and loss occurs on diodes. The converter improves the conversion efficiency of high-frequency high-power applications.

This paper analyzed the operating principle, steady-state characteristics, soft-switching conditions, and range, and conducts parameter design and loss analysis of the converter in detail. A 740 V/1 kW, 100 kHz experimental prototype was established, thereby verifying the effectiveness of the converter by experimental results.


Fig. 1 shows the proposed ZCS full-bridge converter topology, where Vin is the input DC voltage source. Switches S1–S4, and antiparallel diodes D1–D4 consist of the full bridge inverter structure; Lr is the leakage inductance of T or the summation of the leakage inductance and an external inductance. The auxiliary switches S5 and S6 in parallel with the resonant capacitor Cr are connected in series with the secondary circuit. D5 and D6 are antiparallel diodes of the switches S5 and S6. The diodes DR1–DR4 are the secondary output rectifier diodes. T is the high frequency transformer. Lo is the output filter inductance. Co is the output filter capacitor, and R is the load. ip is the primary current, is is the secondary current, and vCr is the auxiliary resonant capacitor voltage.

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Fig. 1. The proposed ZCS full-bridge converter.

Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 respectively show the working waveforms and operation modes of the proposed converter. In Fig.2, vg1/vg4 and vg2/vg3 are the driving waveforms of S1/S4 and S2/S3, respectively. vg5 and vg6 are the driving waveforms of S5 and S6, respectively. S1/S2 and S4/S3 turn off after S5/S6 turn off with off delay time tδ. td is the dead time between S1 and S2 as well as S3 and S4. Ts is a switching period. ton is the conduction time of the primary switches. Din is the converter input duty cycle expressed as D=ton/Th, D is the converter output duty cycle expressed as D=(ton-tδ)/Th, where Th = Ts/2.

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Fig. 2. Working waveforms of the proposed converter.

To facilitate the analysis, several assumptions are used as follows:

(1) All the switches, diodes, capacitors and inductors are ideal devices.

(2) N1 and N2 are the turns of the transformer’s primary and secondary, respectively. The transformer turn ratio NT is N1/N2. The roll line resistance of the transformer is neglected.

(3) The output inductance Lo is sufficiently large to keep the filter inductor current iLo at a constant value Io during the switching period.

Mode 0 [~t0] [see Fig. 3(a)]: Prior to t0, the primary switches S1–S4 are off, the auxiliary switch S6 is off and S5 is on, the initial voltage of the auxiliary resonant capacitor Cr is vCr=0. The rectifier diodes DR1–DR4 are on. The load current flows through rectifier diodes for freewheeling.

Mode 1 [t0–t1] [see Fig. 3(b)]: At t0, S1 and S4 turn on. ip and is increase linearly. Lr limits the increase rate of ip; thus, S1 and S4 realize ZCS turn on. When is increases to Io, DR2, and DR3 turn off, and mode 1 ends.

ip is described as

\(i_{p}=\frac{V_{i n}}{L_{r}}\left(t-t_{0}\right)\)       (1)

The duration time of this mode is

\(t_{01}=\frac{I_{o} L_{r}}{N_{T} V_{i n}}\)       (2)

Mode 2 [t1–t2] [see Fig. 3(c)]: At t1, DR2 and DR3 are turned off. The power is delivered from the input DC voltage source to the load.

Mode 3 [t2–t3] [see Fig. 3(d)]: At t2, S6 turns on under ZVZCS, and S5 as well as D6 turn off simultaneously. Cr is charged by load current, vCr increases linearly from zero.

Cr paralleled with S5 and D6. Thus, S5 and D6 turn off under ZVS. When vCr increases to the secondary voltage, the mode 3 ends.

vCr is expressed as

\(v_{c r}=\frac{I_{o}}{C_{r}}\left(t-t_{2}\right)\)       (3)

The time duration of this mode is

\(t_{23}=\frac{V_{i n} C_{r}}{I_{o} N_{T}}\)       (4)

Mode 4 [t3–t4] [see Fig. 3(e)]: At t3, DR2 and DR3 turn on, vd=0. The load current flows through the rectifier diodes for freewheeling. Cr resonates with Lr. Hence, ip decreases, and vCr increases resonantly. When ip decreases to zero, vCr increases to the maximum voltage VCrmax, and Mode 4 ends.

The current through the rectifier diodes and iCr and vCr are expressed as

\(i_{D R 1}=\frac{I_{o}}{2}\left[1+\cos \frac{N_{T}}{\sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}\left(t-t_{3}\right)\right]\)       (5)

\(i_{D R 2}=\frac{I_{o}}{2}\left[1-\cos \frac{N_{T}}{\sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}\left(t-t_{3}\right)\right]\)       (6)

\(i_{C r}(t)=I_{o} \cos \frac{N_{T}}{\sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}\left(t-t_{3}\right)\)       (7)

\(v_{C r}=\frac{V_{i n}}{N_{T}}+\frac{I_{o}}{N_{T}} \sqrt{\frac{L_{k}}{C_{r}}} \sin \frac{N_{T}}{\sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}\left(t-t_{3}\right)\)       (8)

The maximum voltage VCrmax is

\(V_{C r \max }=\frac{V_{i n}}{N_{T}}+\frac{I_{o}}{N_{T}} \sqrt{\frac{L_{r}}{C_{r}}}\)       (9)

The duration time of this mode is 1/4 resonant period, as follows:

\(t_{34}=\frac{\pi \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{2 N_{T}}\)       (10)

Mode 5 [t4–t5] [see Fig. 3(f)]: At t4, D1 and D4 turn on, Cr continues to resonate with Lr, the voltage across S1 and S4 is clamped at zero. Consequently, ZVZCS turn off can be achieved in S1 and S4. ip rises from zero in reverse, and vcr decreases from the maximum voltage. The load current flows through the rectifier diodes for freewheeling.

ip and vCr are expressed as

\(i_{p}(t)=\frac{I_{o}}{N_{T}} \sin \frac{N_{T}}{\sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}\left(t-t_{4}\right)\)       (11)

\(v_{C r}(t)=v_{C r \max }+\frac{I_{o}}{N_{T}} \sqrt{\frac{L_{r}}{C_{r}}}\left[\cos \frac{N_{T}}{\sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}\left(t-t_{4}\right)-1\right]\)       (12)

After 1/2 resonant period, ip decreases to zero and vcr decreases to VCrmin, mode 5 ends.

The minimum voltage VCrmin is

\(V_{C r \min }=\frac{V_{i n}}{N_{T}}-\frac{I_{o}}{N_{T}} \sqrt{\frac{L_{r}}{C_{r}}}\)       (15)

The duration time of this mode is 1/2 resonant period, namely,

\(t_{45}=\frac{\pi \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{N_{T}}\)       (14)

Mode 6 [t5–t6] [see Fig. 3(g)]: At t5, ip decreases to zero, DR1 and DR4 turn off. Cr is discharged by the output current. vCr decreases linearly. When vCr decreases to zero, mode 6 ends.

vCr is expressed as follows:

\(v_{C r}=v_{C r \min }-\frac{I_{o}}{C_{r}}\left(t-t_{5}\right)\)       (15)

The duration time of this mode is

\(t_{56}=\left(\frac{V_{i n}}{I_{o} N_{T}}-\frac{1}{N_{T}} \sqrt{\frac{L_{r}}{C_{r}}}\right) C_{r}\)       (16)

Mode 7 [t6–t7] [see Fig. 3(h)]: At t6, vCr decreases to zero, DR1 and DR4 turn on. The load current flows through rectifier diodes for freewheeling.

Mode 7 ends when S2 and S3 turn on, and the converter starts with the second half switching cycle. Owing to the symmetrical configuration of the proposed converter, the analysis of the second half switching cycle is omitted.

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Fig. 3. Equivalent circuits of different operation modes.


A. Output Voltage Characteristics

The waveforms of the rectifier voltage and the filter inductor current are shown in Fig. 4. The average value of the output voltage Vo approximately equal to that of the voltage vd rectified by the transformer secondary rectifier diodes. Based on the waveform of vd depicted in Fig. 4, Vo is given by the following:

\(V_{o}=\frac{1}{T_{h}} \int_{0}^{T_{h}} V_{d}(t) d t=\frac{V_{i n} D}{N_{T}}+\frac{V_{i n}^{2} C_{r}}{2 N_{T}^{2} I_{o} T_{h}}\)       (17)

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Fig. 4. Waveforms of rectified voltage and output filter current.

According to (17), when the value of the resonant capacitor is near zero, the output voltage characteristics of the converter are the same as those of the hard-switching full-bridge converter. Fig 5 shows the effects of the different auxiliary resonant capacitor Cr on the output voltage characteristics under an open-loop control scheme when the output load R=10Ω (Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) are , the 2D and 3D plots). Clearly, the output voltage increases with the increasing in the auxiliary resonant capacitor Cr, which is beneficial to improve the voltage gain.

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Fig. 5. Open loop output voltage (Ro=10Ω). (a) Two-dimensional plot. (b) Three-dimensional plot.

Fig. 6 shows the effect of different off delay time tδ on the output voltage characteristics under an open-loop control scheme when the output load R=10Ω. Fig. 6 intuitively shows that the output voltage decreases as tδ increases when the input duty ratio Din is constant.

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Fig. 6. Open loop output voltage with different tδ (Ro=10Ω).

B. Maximum Current and Voltage Stresses of Components

The voltage and current stress on the main components of the proposed converter and the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter are shown in Table I.


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From Table I, it can be seen that the current stress on the primary switches and the voltage stress on the rectifier diodes of the proposed converter are the same as that of the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter. Decreasing Lr or increasing Cr is beneficial to the reduction of voltage stress on the auxiliary switches under the same input voltage Vin, load current Io, and ratio of the transformer NT.

C. dv/dt of Auxiliary Switches and di/dt of Rectifier Diodes

According to (1) and (3), the voltage change rate dv/dt of auxiliary switches during turn-off transient. The current change rate di/dt of the rectifier diodes during primary switch turn-on transient can be obtained as follows:

\(\frac{d v}{d t}=\frac{I_{o}}{C_{r}}\)       (18)

\(\frac{d i}{d t}=\frac{V_{i n}}{L_{r}}\)       (19)

Based on (18) and (19), we know that the voltage change rate dv/dt of auxiliary switches during turn-off transient and the current change rate di/dt of the rectifier diodes during primary switch turn-on transient are constants. It illustrates that the voltage across the auxiliary switches during turn-off transient and the current through the rectifier diodes during primary switch turn-on transient are in linear variation, and these change rates can be designed arbitrarily in the parameter design.


A. ZCS Implementation Condition of Primary Switch

Based on the operation principle of the converter, it can be seen that t24=t23+t34 and t25=t23+t34+t45 from Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. To achieve ZVZCS turn off for the primary switches, the off delay time tδ should satisfy t24≤tδ≤t25, according to(4), (10) and (14), tδ can be expressed as

\(\frac{V_{i n} C_{r}}{N_{T} I_{o}}+\frac{\pi \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{2 N_{T}} \leq t_{\delta} \leq \frac{V_{i n} C_{r}}{N_{T} I_{o}}+\frac{3 \pi \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{2 N_{T}}\)       (20)

Based on (20), the off delay time tδ is related to the input voltage Vin, the load current Io, the auxiliary resonant capacitor Cr, and the resonant inductor Lr. Fig. 7 shows the influence of the parameter variation on the value range of the off delay time tδ. Fig. 7(a) shows the influence of the variation range of Cr and Lr to the off delay time tδ when Vin and Io are constant. Fig. 7(b) shows the influence of the input voltage Vin and the load current Io to the range of the off delay time tδ when Cr and Lr are constant. As evident from Fig. 7, when the input voltage Vin and the load current Io are constant, the value interval length of the off delay tδ varies with the different value of Cr and Lr. The larger value of Cr and Lr, and the longer value interval length of tδ. When Cr and Lr are constant, the value interval length of tδ does not change with the input voltage Vin and the load current Io.

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Fig. 7. Range of off delay time tδ. (a) Range of tδ with different Cr and Lr. (b) Range of tδ with different Vin and Io.

Fig. 8 shows the range (t24(Iomax)≤tδ≤t25(Iomax)) of the off delay time tδ to realize the primary switches ZCS turn off under the maximum load current Iomax. The A area in the Fig. 8 is the soft switching area. Fig. 8 shows the larger the off delay time tδ, the wider the soft switching range of load current.

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Fig. 8. Soft switching range.

B. ZVS Implementation Condition of Auxiliary Switch

To achieve ZVZCS turn on for the auxiliary switches, the voltage vCr must drop to zero during the dead time td.

Thus, td should satisfy td≥t56 according to(16), td can be expressed as

\(t_{d} \geq \frac{V_{i n} C_{r}}{I_{o} N_{T}}-\frac{\sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{N_{T}}\)       (21)

C. Maximum Effective Duty Cycle

Owing to the existence of the resonant inductance Lr and the auxiliary resonant capacitor Cr, the effective duty cycle Deff in the secondary is smaller than the duty cycle Din in the primary. The difference is the duty cycle loss Dloss. During the period of [t0,t1 ] ([t7,t8]), negative voltage (positive voltage) occurs in the primary, but the primary is insufficient to provide for the load current. Therefore, the rectifier diodes DR1–DR4 are both conducting, and the secondary voltage vd=0. During the period of [t3,t5] ([t10,t12]), negative voltage (positive voltage) in the primary, but series resonance occurs between the resonant inductance Lr and resonant capacitor Cr. The primary does not provide for the load. Therefore, the rectifier diodes DR1–DR4 are conducting, and the secondary voltage vd=0. Thus, the voltage of [t0,t1], [t3,t5], [t7,t8], and [t10,t12] are lost in the secondary, so the ratio of this duration time to Th is Dloss:

\(D_{l o s s}=\frac{t_{01}+t_{34}+t_{45}}{T_{h}}\)       (22)

Based on (2), (10) and (14),

\(D_{l o s s}=\frac{3 \pi \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{2 N_{T} T_{h}}+\frac{I_{o} L_{r}}{N_{T} V_{i n} T_{h}}\)       (23)

Considering the dead time and the duty cycle loss, the maximum effective duty cycle Deff-max of the converter is:

\(D_{e f f-m a x}=1-D_{t d}-D_{l o s s}\)       (24)

Among it, Dtd is expressed as

\(D_{t d}=\frac{t_{d}}{T_{h}}\)       (25)

Based on (23) and (25),

\(D_{e f f-\max }=1-\left(\frac{3 \pi \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{2 N_{T} T_{h}}+\frac{I_{o} L_{r}}{N_{T} V_{i n} T_{h}}+\frac{t_{d}}{T_{h}}\right)\)       (26)


A. Power Components Loss

The losses of the proposed converter include the switching loss and conduction loss of switching elements and the other losses generated by transformer and inductance and capacitor. The primary switches that use IGBT are ZVZCS turn off; the auxiliary switches that use MOSFET are ZVZCS turn on. Therefore, the losses of the switching elements only include the conduction loss, and it consists of three parts.

1) Conduction Loss of the Primary Switches:

The conduction loss PQ1-conl of switches Q1/Q2 includes the conduction loss PS1-conl of switches S1/S2 and the conduction loss PD1-conl of its antiparallel diodes. The conduction losses of switches Q1/Q2, PQ1-conl is expressed as

\(\begin{array}{l} P_{Q_{1}-\mathrm{conl}}=P_{S_{1}-\mathrm{conl}}+P_{D_{1}-\mathrm{conl}} \\ =f_{s} V_{S_{1}} \int_{t_{0}}^{t_{4}} i_{S_{1}} d t+f_{s} V_{D_{1}} \int_{t_{4}}^{t_{5}} i_{D_{1}} d t \\ =f_{s} V_{S_{1}}\left(\frac{I_{0} D T_{h}}{N_{T}}+\frac{V_{i n} C_{r}}{N_{T}^{2}}+\frac{I_{o} \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{N_{T}^{2}}\right)+f_{s} V_{D_{1}} \frac{I_{o} \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{N_{T}^{2}} \end{array}\)       (27)

where, VS1(VS2) and VD1(VD2) are the collector-emitter saturation voltage of switches Q1/Q2 and forward voltage of antiparallel diodes D1/D2, respectively.

The loss condition of switches Q3/Q4 is the same as that of switches Q1/Q2.

2) Conduction Loss of the Auxiliary Switches:

The conduction loss PQ5-conl of switch Q5 includes the conduction loss PS5-conl of switches S5 and the conduction loss PD5-conl of its antiparallel diode. The conduction losses of switch Q5, PQ5-conl is expressed as

\(\begin{array}{l} P_{Q_{5}-\text { conl }}=P_{S_{5}-\text { conl }}+P_{D_{5} -\text { conl }} \\ =f_{s} I_{\mathrm{o}}^{2} R_{D S(o n)} D T_{h}+f_{s} V_{D_{5}} \int_{t_{0}}^{t_{2}} i_{D_{5}} d t \\ =f_{s} I_{\mathrm{o}}^{2} R_{\mathrm{DS}(o n)} D T_{h}+f_{s} V_{D_{5}} I_{\mathrm{o}} D T_{h} \end{array}\)       (28)

where VD5 is the forward voltage of antiparallel diode D5 for the auxiliary switch S5; RDS(on) is the conduction resistance of the auxiliary switch.

The condition loss of switch Q6 is the same as that of switch Q5.

3) Conduction Loss of Diodes:

The conduction loss of rectifier diodes DR1 (DR4), PDR1-conl is expressed as

\(\begin{array}{l} P_{D_{R 1}-c o n l}=f_{s} V_{D_{R 1}} \int_{t_{0}}^{t_{6}} i_{D_{R 1}} d t \\ =f_{s} V_{D_{R 1}}\left[I_{o} D T_{h}+\frac{3 V_{i n} C_{r}}{2 N_{T}}+\frac{(3 \pi-6) I_{o} \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{4 N_{T}}\right] \end{array}\)       (29)

where VDR1 is the forward voltage of rectifier diode DR1.

The total loss of the converter Ptotal is expressed as follows:

\(P_{\text {total}}=4 P_{Q_{1}-\text {conl}}+2 P_{Q_{5}-\text {conl}}+4 P_{D_{R 1}-\text {conl}}\)       (30)

B. Circulating Current Loss Analysis

Based on the operation principle of the converter, mode 5 is the circulation period (see Fig. 3). According to (27), the circulating current loss is as follows:

\(\begin{array}{l} P_{c i r}=f_{s} V_{D_{1}} \int_{t_{2}}^{t_{3}} i_{D_{1}} d t=\frac{f_{s} I_{o} V_{D_{1}} \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{N_{T}^{2}} \\ =\left(\frac{f_{s} I_{o} V_{D_{1}}}{2 \pi N_{T}}\right) T_{r} \end{array}\)       (31)

where \(T_{r}=\frac{2 \pi \sqrt{L_{r} C_{r}}}{N_{T}}\) is the resonance cycle.

Based on (11) and (31), we obtain the following.

(1) The square wave current with the amplitude value of the load current flowing through the primary side during circulation period in the conventional phase-shifted full-bridge converter. Compared with it, the circulating current is sinusoidal with the amplitude value of the load current in the proposed converter (see mode 5 in Fig. 3). The effective value of the circulating current is small. Thus, the circulating current loss is relatively smaller.

(2) The magnitude of the circulating current loss is related to the resonant period Tr. It means that the smaller the resonant period is, the smaller the circulating current loss.


A. Design Methodology

Assuming that the input minimum DC voltage is Vinmin , the output maximum voltage is Vomax and the output maximum load current is Iomax. The parameter design of the converter should satisfy the following conditions:

1) Turns Ratio of the Transformer:

To achieve the required output maximum voltage at the lowest input voltage, the turn ratio of the transformer should satisfy the following equation:

\(N_{T}=\frac{V_{i n \min } D_{e f f-\max}}{V_{o \max }+2 V_{D}+V_{L f}}\)       (32)

where VD is the voltage drop in the secondary rectifier diode, VLf is the voltage drop in the output filter inductor.

2) Design of the Auxiliary Resonant Capacitor Cr:

To reduce the turn off the loss of the auxiliary switches, the voltage change rate dv/dt of auxiliary switches during turn-off transient should be smaller than or equal to the setting voltage change rate (dv/dt)set. Based on (18), the rate can be expressed as follows:

\(\frac{I_{o \max }}{C_{r}} \leq\left(\frac{d v}{d t}\right)_{s e t}\)       (33)

3) Design of the Resonant Inductor Lr:

To reduce the turn off the loss of the primary switches, the current change rate di/dt of primary switches during the turnoff transient period should smaller than or equal to the setting current change rate (di/dt)set. Based on (19), the rate can be expressed as follows:

\(\frac{V_{i n}}{L_{r}} \leq\left(\frac{d i}{d t}\right)_{s e t}\)       (34)

B. Design Example

The design example of circuit parameters in the prototype is demonstrated by using the numerical example of rating values as follows: input minimum DC voltage Vinmin=740 V, output maximum voltage Vomax=100 V, output maximum load current Iomax=10 A, switching frequency fS=100 kHz, and rated load resistance R=10 Ω.

Assuming that the voltage change rate of the auxiliary switches (dv/dt)set=500 V/µs, the current change rate of the primary switches (di/dt)set=20 A/µs, the maximum effective duty cycle Deff-max=0.58. The voltage drop of rectifier diode VD=1.5 V, the voltage drop of the filter inductor VLf =0.1 V.

According to (32), the turns ratio of the transformer is NT=4.16, NT=4 is chosen. Owing to the voltage change rate of the auxiliary switches (dv/dt)set=500V/µs, based on (33), Cr≥0.02 μF, and Cr is set as 0.02 μF. Owing to the current change rate of the primary switches (di/dt)set=20 A/µs, according to (34), Lr≥37 μH, Lr is set as 40 μH.

According to(20), 0.7 μs≤tδ≤1.42 μs, tδ=1.4 μs is chosen. Based on (21), td≥0.7 μs, td=0.7 μs is chosen.

To verify the rationality of the parameter design, based on (23) and (25), Dloss =0.24 and Dtd =0.14. Dloss+Dtd+Deff-max=0.96<1. Consequently, the values of parameter design satisfy the demand.


To verify the validity of the aforementioned analysis, we built a 1 kW prototype. The auxiliary switch uses MOSFET due to its small on-state resistance and low conduction losses. The specifications of the prototype converter are given in Table II.


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Fig. 9 shows the experimental waveforms of transformer primary voltage vAB, current ip, and rectified voltage vd. Clearly, the primary voltage is smooth and does not have voltage spikes. Owing to the effects of soft-switching technology, the energy stored in the leakage inductance of the transformer is fully absorbed.

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Fig. 9. Waveforms of vAB, ip, and vd (Io=10 A).

Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 show the voltage and current waveforms of the primary switch S1 and the auxiliary switch S5 at full load (Io=10A) and light load (Io=3A), respectively. From the experimental waveforms, it can be observed that the waveforms of power switches do not have voltage and current spikes. In a wide load range, S1 turns on with ZCS and turns off with ZVZCS, and S5 turns on with ZVZCS and turns off with ZVS.

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Fig. 10. Switch voltage and current waveforms (Io=10 A). (a) Switch S1. (b) Switch S5.

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Fig. 11. Switch voltage and current waveforms (Io=3 A). (a) Switch S1. (b) Switch S5.

Fig. 12 shows the voltage and current waveforms of the rectifier diode DR2 and DR4 at full load (Io=10A) and light load (Io=3A). It can be seen directly, rectifier diodes can achieve natural switching. And it avoids the reverse recovery problem when the rectifier diode is turned off.

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Fig. 12. Voltage and current waveforms of DR1 and DR2. (a) Full load (Io=10 A). (b) Light load (Io=3 A).

The experimental power loss analysis of the proposed converter and the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter under the rated power are shown in Fig. 13, where the power switch loss includes the switching loss and the conducting loss; the other loss mainly includes the transformer loss and the loss caused by inductors, capacitors, and line resistances. Based on Fig. 13, compared with the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter, the loss caused by the auxiliary switches Q5 and Q6 of the proposed converter is 11.44W, but the total loss saved by the primary switches Q1–Q4 is 74.45W. The total loss of the proposed converter is 59.87W, and the total loss of the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter is 133.19W. Therefore, the total loss savings is 73.32W in the proposed converter compared with the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter.

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Fig. 13. Power loss analysis.

Fig. 14 illustrates the actual power efficiency characteristics of the proposed converter and the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter. Compared with the traditional phase shift full-bridge converter, the overall efficiency of the proposed converter has been appreciably improved, and it is more obvious at the light load. The total actual efficiency of the proposed converter is 94.35% at rated output power 1kW, improving approximately by 6.1%, while improving approximately by 13% at an output power of 300W. However, under power 300W, the proposed converter does not realize complete soft switching. At output power 100W, the efficiency is 81% which is improved approximately by 10%.

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Fig. 14. Efficiency curves.


A novel ZCS full-bridge soft switching DC–DC converter topology and modulation strategy has been proposed in this paper. The operation principle, the soft switching conditions, and parameter design of the proposed converter have been illustrated in detail. Based on the theoretical analysis and the experimental research on the 1kW prototype, several conclusions have been summarized as follows.

1) The primary switches S1–S4 realize ZVZCS turn off and ZCS turn on, and the auxiliary switches S5 and S6 realize ZVS turn off and ZVZCS turn on, thereby reducing the switching loss.

2) The rectifier diodes achieve natural switching, and they overcome the reverse recovery problem.

3) The circulating current loss in the proposed converter is smaller than that of the phase shifted full-bridge converter. Furthermore, the smaller the resonant cycle is, the smaller the circulating current loss.

4) The current stress of the primary switches and the voltage stress of the rectifier diodes are the same as the phase-shifted full-bridge converter.

5) The efficiency of the proposed converter is higher than that of the traditional phase shifted full-bridge converter, and this is more obvious in light load. At output power 300 W, the efficiency can be obtained as 88%, which is improved approximately by 13%. At rated power 1kW, the actual high efficiency can be obtained as 94.35%, which is improved approximately by 6.1%.


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