• 투고 : 2018.04.14
  • 심사 : 2018.10.11
  • 발행 : 2019.03.01


We estimate the essential norms of Volterra-type integral operators $V_g$ and $I_g$, and multiplication operators $M_g$ with holomorphic symbols g on a large class of generalized Fock spaces on the complex plane ${\mathbb{C}}$. The weights defining these spaces are radial and subjected to a mild smoothness conditions. In addition, we assume that the weights decay faster than the classical Gaussian weight. Our main result estimates the essential norms of $V_g$ in terms of an asymptotic upper bound of a quantity involving the inducing symbol g and the weight function, while the essential norms of $M_g$ and $I_g$ are shown to be comparable to their operator norms. As a means to prove our main results, we first characterized the compact composition operators acting on the spaces which is interest of its own.



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