Elementary School Teachers' Perception and the Status of Education Program on Science Museum Field Trips

과학관 현장체험학습에 대한 초등 교사의 인식과 교육에 대한 실태 조사

  • Received : 2018.12.20
  • Accepted : 2019.01.18
  • Published : 2019.02.28


The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school teachers' perception and the status of education program on science museum field trips by using a questionnaire (188 teachers) and interview (6 teachers). The results of the research are as follows. First, factors influencing elementary school teachers who choose the science museum as a place for field trips were 'student's interest', 'teacher's own experience related to the science museum', 'science curriculum', 'suggestions from a fellow teacher', 'space available for field work' and so on. Second, 82% of the respondents conducted pre-education program, but they mainly conducted safety education. Third, the teacher conducted post-education program less than pre-education program. In the post-education program, the most activities were to express and share knowledge and experience gained from the science museum. Fourth, 52.2% of the teachers provided tasks or activity sheets during science museum field trips. Fifth, the teachers mainly served as safety guide. In addition, the teachers thought that safety guide was the most important role of teacher in science museum field trips. Sixth, the teachers thought that the method of viewing the science museum's collection, which emphasizes the role of docent rather than the teacher, was more educational.


Table 1. Background information of the participants

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Table 2. Background information of the respondents

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Table 3. Questions given during the interview

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Table 4. The structure and contents of the questionnaire

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Table 5. Factors that influenced the selection of the science museum as a place for field trips

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Table 6. The actual condition of the pre-, post-, and during- education program

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Table 7. Characteristics of the pre-education program (multiple responses)

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Table 8. Characteristics of the during-education program (mul-tiple responses)

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Table 9. Teacher’s main role on science museum field trips

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Table 10. Characteristics of the post-education program (mul-tiple responses)

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Table 11. Importance of teacher’s role on science museum field trips

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Table 12. Teacher professionalism required for science museum field trips

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Table 13. How to view science museum educationally on field trips

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Table 14. Supports that teachers want to receive from science museum

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