Fig. 1. Schematic design for numerical experiment of debris flow
Fig. 2. Impact Force, Water Velocity, and Water Depth at (a) 6m-location of and (b) 5.5m-location of check dam for Q_inflow=600cm3/sec
Fig. 3. Impact Force, Water Velocity, and Water Depth at (a) 5m-location of and (b) 4.5m-location of check dam for Q_inflow=600cm3/sec
Fig. 4. Impact Force according the location of check dam for Q_inflow=600cm3/sec
Fig. 5. Impact Force, Water Velocity, and Water Depth at (a) 6m-location of and (b) 5.5m-location of check dam for Q_inflow=700cm3/sec
Fig. 6. Impact Force, Water Velocity, and Water Depth at (a) 5m-location of and (b) 4.5m-location of check dam for Q_inflow=700cm3/sec
Fig. 7. Impact Force according the location of check dam for Q_inflow=700cm3/sec
Fig. 8. Impact Force according the location of check dam for Q_inflow=700cm3/sec (Between 15sec∼20sec)
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