Deokhu: Differences of investment activity and flow level according to self-perception, emotional change before-after deokhu activity

덕후: 자기 지각에 따른 투자 활동과 몰입 수준 차이, 덕후 활동 전후의 정서 변화

  • KIM, SU-SIE (Daegu Cyber University Dept. of Counseling Psychology) ;
  • Lee, Heung-Pyo (Daegu Cyber University Dept. of Art Therapy)
  • 김수지 (대구사이버대학교 상담심리학과) ;
  • 이흥표 (대구사이버대학교 미술치료학과)
  • Received : 2018.10.01
  • Accepted : 2019.01.04
  • Published : 2019.01.31


The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference between the deokhu activities and the flow level of the deokhu group. We also tested whether there are any real differences in emotion before and after the deokhu activities. The study included 227 adults and results were as follows. First, the deokhu group had a high cost of investing and a high rate of one-day investments, particularly for one-week activities and years of duration compare to the non-deokhu group. Second, the higher the degree to which they perceived themselves as deokhu and the level of deokhu activities were higher in flow. and the group of deokhu was more absorbed than the non-deokhu group. Third, there has been no change in positive and negative feelings before and after deokhu activities in the non-deokhu group. For the deokhu group, the positive emotions of happiness, joy, tranquility, pleasure increased and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, sadness, shame, and guilt were significantly reduced after deokhu activities. The perception of deokhu and deokhu activities have positive functions that increase the level of flow, relieve negative feelings and enhance positive emotions.

본 연구에서는 자신을 덕후라고 지각하는 덕후 집단의 덕후 활동 및 몰입 수준이 자신을 덕후로 지각하지 않는 일반 성인집단과 차이가 있는지, 덕후 활동 전후에 실제로 정서 변화의 차이가 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 대상은 성인 227명이었고 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자신을 덕후라고 지각하는 덕후 집단은 비덕후 집단에 비해 덕후 활동에 투자하는 비용 및 1일 투자 시간이 많았고 특히 1주 활동 시간 및 지속기간(년수)가 유의하게 길었다. 둘째 자신을 덕후라고 지각하는 정도 및 덕후 활동 수준이 높을수록 몰입도가 높았으며 덕후 집단은 비덕후 집단보다 몰입 수준이 높았다. 셋째, 비덕후 집단에서는 덕후 활동 전후에 따른 긍정 정서 및 부정 정서의 변화가 없었던 반면 덕후 집단에서는 덕후 활동을 하기 전보다 후에 행복감, 즐거움, 평온, 쾌감 등의 긍정 정서가 증가하고 분노, 불안, 슬픔, 수치심, 죄책감 등 부정 정서가 유의하게 감소하였다. 덕후 지각 및 덕후 활동에는 몰입 수준을 증가시키며 부적 정서를 완화하고 긍정 정서를 고양시키는 긍정적 기능이 있는 것으로 시사된다.


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Fig. 1. Analysis of Interaction effect about positive and negative emotion of deokhu group and non-deokhu group: positive emotion

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Fig. 2. Analysis of Interaction effect about positive and negative emotion of deokhu group and non-deokhu group: negative emotion

Table 1. Difference in activity Level of deokhu group and Non-deokhu group

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Table 2. The Relationship between degree of percept as Deokhu and deokhu activity, Flow

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Table 3. Comparison of flow level of deokhu group and non-deokhu group

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Table 4. The result of Exploratory factor analysis of positive and negative emotions

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Table 5. Differences in emotional change of before and after deokhu activity: In subject effect

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Table 6. Differences in emotional change of before and after deokhu activity: between subject effect

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