• Basdouri, Imed (Departement de Mathematiques Faculte des Sciences de Gafsa) ;
  • Derbali, Ammar (Universite de Gafsa, Faculte des Sciences Departement de Mathematiques) ;
  • Saidi, Soumaya (Universite de Gafsa, Faculte des Sciences Departement de Mathematiques)
  • Received : 2017.09.06
  • Accepted : 2018.12.05
  • Published : 2019.01.31


We compute the second cohomology of the affine Lie algebra aff(1) on the dimensional real space with coefficients in the space ${\mathcal{D}}^n_{{\underline{\lambda}},{\mu}}$ of n-ary linear differential operators acting on weighted densities where ${\underline{\lambda}}=({\lambda}_1,{\ldots},{\lambda}_n)$. We explicitly give 2-cocycles spanning these cohomology.



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