무자각 지속인증 기술 동향

Trends in Implicit Continuous Authentication Technology

  • 발행 : 2018.02.01


Modern users are intensifying their use of online services every day. In addition, hackers are attempting to execute advanced attacks to steal personal information protected using existing authentication technologies. However, existing authentication methods require an explicit authentication procedure for the user, and do not conduct identity verification in the middle of the authentication session. In this paper, we introduce an implicit continuous authentication technology to overcome the limitations of existing authentication technology. Implicit continuous authentication is a technique for continuously authenticating users without explicit intervention by utilizing their behavioral and environmental information. This can improve the level of security by verifying the user's identity during the authentication session without the burden of an explicit authentication procedure. In addition, we briefly introduce the definition, key features, applicable algorithms, and recent research trends for various authentication technologies that can be used as an implicit continuous authentication technology.



연구 과제번호 : 상황인지기반 멀티팩터 인증 및 전자서명을 제공하는 범용인증플랫폼기술 개발

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 정보통신기술진흥센터


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