블록체인과 합의 알고리즘

Blockchain and Consensus Algorithm

  • 발행 : 2018.02.01


A Blockchain is a type of distributed ledger system that consists of a large number of nodes. A block is a container in which transactions are included, and the transactions can be recorded in chronological order by chaining blocks. To work properly, it is essential that the nodes in the Blockchain system have the same image of the chained-blocks. Blockchain systems use various types of consensus algorithms to achieve the same states among the nodes, and the fundamental elements in these algorithms are proof of work and the main chain selection policy, particularly in permissionless Blockchain systems. However, consensus algorithms for permissioned Blockchain systems can be completely different from those of permissionless blockchain systems. In this paper, we overview the basic working mechanism of consensus algorithms, and briefly introduce a few that are currently being applied.



연구 과제번호 : 초연결 지능 인프라 원천기술 연구개발

연구 과제 주관 기관 : 정보통신기술진흥센터


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