건강가정·다문화가족지원센터의 아버지참여 프로그램 현황 및 만족도 분석

Analysis of Satisfaction with the Fatherhood Programs Provided in Healthy Family and Multicultural Family Support Center

  • 이현아 (대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소)
  • Lee, Hyun Ah (Research Institute for Multi-cultural Society and Policy, Daegu University)
  • 투고 : 2018.06.01
  • 심사 : 2018.08.28
  • 발행 : 2018.08.31


The demand and supply of programs of parenthood programs for fathers are increasing with changes in the image of male parents. Under this backdrop, a necessary requirement is to analyze the current status of father programs that are spearheaded by governments and the satisfaction with them to determine if they actually meet the needs of fathers. This study conducted such an examination for the fatherhood programs that were provided as a mandatory public service by the Healthy Family & Multicultural Family Support Center in 2017. To this end, the research analyzed performance and satisfaction data on 776 projects, including 1293 programs that were required for provision in 101 integrated centers nationwide. The results showed that satisfaction with fatherhood programs differed according to the project area, the location of a center, the period of implementation, the methods of proceeding, the participation unit (whether an entire family or an individual family member), the number of participants, and the number of sessions. Overall, the level of satisfaction was higher in "fathers meetings" (under the community domain) than "support for the father role" (under the family relationship domain). In relation to implementation period, satisfaction with the programs was high in the 4th quarter of implementation. Satisfaction with the programs was also higher for culturally based initiatives than education-oriented programs. Satisfaction was higher when the participation unit was the family than when such unit was the individual. The smaller the number of participants, the higher the satisfaction level. Finally, the number of sessions was deemed satisfactory when it was completed in more than four sessions. This study is meaningful in that it provides the basis of effective use of the government budget by analyzing the status and satisfaction of the fatherhood programs, which have been implemented since the integration of the Healthy Families & Multicultural Family Support Center.



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