The Mediating Roles of Preschoolers' Self-regulation in the Relationship Between Maternal Parenting Behaviors and Preschoolers' Excessive Immersion in Smartphones

어머니의 양육행동과 유아의 스마트폰 과몰입 간의 관계에서 유아의 자기조절능력의 매개적 역할

  • 박보경 (경민대학교 아동보육과) ;
  • 박남심 (수원대학교 아동가족복지학과)
  • Received : 2018.08.15
  • Accepted : 2018.10.04
  • Published : 2018.10.31


Objective: This study examined the mediating roles of preschoolers' self-regulation in the relationship between maternal parenting behaviors and preschoolers' excessive immersion in smartphones. Methods: A total of 268 mothers of preschoolers responded to questionnaires on three research variables. Data were analyzed by correlation analyses and regression analyses. Results: First, maternal warmth/encouragement was negatively related to preschoolers' excessive immersion in smartphones, while maternal overprotectiveness/permission and rejection/neglect were positively related to preschoolers' excessive immersion in smartphones. Second, maternal warmth/encouragement and limit setting were positively linked to preschoolers' self-regulation, but maternal overprotectiveness/permission and rejection/neglect were negatively linked to preschoolers' self-regulation. Third, preschoolers' self-regulation was negatively associated with their excessive immersion in smartphones. Finally, preschoolers' self-regulation fully mediated the relationship between maternal warmth/encouragement and preschoolers' excessive immersion in smartphones, and preschoolers' self-regulation partially mediated the relationship between maternal overprotectiveness/permission, rejection/neglect and preschoolers' excessive immersion in smartphones. Conclusion/Implications: The results of this study suggest that positive maternal parenting behaviors and preschoolers' effective self-regulation are important in order to decrease preschoolers' smartphone overuse. These findings provide empirical evidence to develop programs for prevention and intervention of preschoolers' smartphone addiction.



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