Research on the Usage and Satisfaction of Smart Community Initiatives in Malaysia

  • Received : 2018.11.30
  • Accepted : 2018.12.26
  • Published : 2018.12.30


This study aims to explore and identify factors of respondent's on the definition of 'smart community facilities', their usage and satisfaction in Malaysia. Study carried out in four sites which were Kota Belud, Kemaman, Lundu and Putrajaya. Data was collected through qualitative method where interviews was carried out with several smart community members in answering factors that drives the usage/participation, satisfaction and continuance intention from using the 'smart community facilities'. Interpretation from the qualitative approach reveals that community thinks infrastructure, content and digital services will help to generate and build up 'smart community'. This will give the benefit for the whole community as well as improve individual efficiency, lifestyles and well-being. Findings demonstrated that the advance of Internet will enhance people usage on being 'smart' and efficient and it should be further improved with better infrastructures, systematic development with sophisticated digital technology services, facilities and structured content, and also safety-security measures in place.



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