The Analysis of Structural Relationships among Public Technology Transfer, Technological Performance, and R&D Productivity

공공기술 이전, 기술적 성과, 연구개발 생산성 간의 구조적 관계 분석

  • 전지은 (국회입법조사처 과학방송통신팀) ;
  • 권상집 (동국대학교 상경대학 경영학부)
  • Received : 2017.10.09
  • Accepted : 2018.03.28
  • Published : 2018.06.30


This study aims to identify the causal relationship among public technology transfer, technological performance, and research and development (R&D) productivity. Using the impulse-response function(IRF) of a panel vector autoregressive model (panel VAR), this study suggests the results of how long the factors such as technological performance (patent), public technology transfer, and R&D productivity takes and lasts if a one-unit shock of standard deviation occurs. As a result, first, the increase of public technology transfer activities has no power to increase the technology performance but improve the R&D productivity. If the public institute increases its technology transfer activities by one unit, the R&D productivity will increase within five years. Second, the impact of increasing technological performance on improvement of public technology transfer and R&D productivity is an insignificant. Third, the effect of R&D productivity on the public technology transfer creates a substantial reaction after a current time. Considering the structural relationships among public technology transfer, technological performance, and R&D productivity, if policy makers intend to construct the active R&D circumstance, technology suppliers should be motivated to run the active R&D mechanism because they achieve gains.



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