Fig. 1. SOFC stack safety performance evaluation system
Fig. 2. SOFC stack safety performance evaluation system P&ID flowchart
Fig. 3. SOFC 2 cell stack
Fig. 4. Leak test for SOFC 2 cell stack
Fig. 5. I-V test for SOFC 2 cell stack
Fig. 6. Rated output test for SOFC 2 cell stack
Fig. 7. Power response characteristics test for SOFC2 cell stack
Table 1. Comparing installation area of solar, wind and fuel cells
Table 2. Types of fuel cells according to operating temperature
Table 3. The list of solid oxide fuel cell codes and standards
Table 4. SOFC stack test items by stage
Table 5. Test operation condition by stage-1
Table 6. Test operation condition by stage–2
Table 7. Test operation condition by stage–3-1
Table 8. Test operation condition by stage–3-2
Table 9. Operation condition of SOFC stack
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