Fig. 1. Photos of rods used for solenoid valves
Fig. 2. Experimental setup for machine vision to measure the length of rods on a moving conveyor
Fig. 3. Gray image of a rod with line ROI
Fig. 4. Flow diagram of automatic inspection based on machine vision.
Fig. 5. Gradient profile of pixel values along line ROIin three velocities (①: 0 cm/s, ②: 15 cm/s, ③:36 cm/s)
Fig. 6. Rod lengths (mm) estimated by machine vision when the velocity of rods increased
Fig. 7. Average bias (pixel) in length measurements when the velocity of rods increased
Fig. 8. Standard deviation (pixel) in measurements when the velocity of rods increased
Fig. 9. Estimated length of extruded rods (mm) ▴: before compensation, ▪: after compensation (Type A, Type B, Type C)
Fig. 10. Estimated length of non-extruded rods (mm) ▴: before compensation, ▪: after compensation (Type D, Type E, Type F)
Fig. 11. Biased error (pixel) of rod lengths after compensation according to the velocity of objects
Table 1. Dimensions of rod-specimens measured by vernier caliper
Table 2. Specification of camera system
Table 3. Rod lengths calculated by machine vision in stationary state
Table 4. Biased errors of rod lengths after compensation
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