A Study on R&D Investment Decision Making Model by Using Small-Medium Enterprises Strategic Technology Roadmap

전략기술로드맵 기반의 중소기업 R&D 투자우선순위 결정모형에 관한 연구

  • 경종수 (선문대학교 국제관계.행정학부)
  • Received : 2018.10.18
  • Accepted : 2018.12.07
  • Published : 2018.12.31


In recent years, in response to rapid technological change, technology planning activities are important for companies to cope with technological competition. However, Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) lack the resources and competence to establish their own technology roadmaps. Therefore, government-led roadmaps for SMEs have been proposed to support the R&D direction and R&D capabilities of SMEs. However, SMEs R&D policies are still not well linked with technology roadmaps and R&D programs. In other words, the size of R&D for SMEs is determined according to demand of SMEs regardless of strategic technology roadmap. In this study, we propose a investment prioritization model based on a technology road map to unify R&D investment policy. Using the decision model designed to prioritize strategic technology investments in the SME strategy roadmap, we conduct empirical analysis of strategic technologies in the advanced convergence and green manufacturing. AHP analysis was conducted after questionnaires on the importance of strategic technology and the importance of influential factors to 46 experts such as expert of research institutes and support organizations.

첨단산업에 속한 기업들은 빠른 기술변화에 대응하기 위해 전략적 기술기획 활동이 중요하지만, 중소기업들은 자원과 역량이 부족하여 자체적으로 기술로드맵을 수립하는 것은 한계가 있다. 따라서 정부주도로 중소기업 영역의 기술로드맵을 제시하고 이를 근거로 R&D 방향 및 R&D 역량을 지원하는 정책적 노력이 있었다. 2011년 도입한 기술로드맵은 중소기업의 R&D방향성에 이정표 역할을 하고 있으나 기술로드맵과 연계한 R&D투자정책은 미흡하다. 본 연구에서는 기술로드맵 중심의 R&D투자우선순위를 제안함으로써 R&D투자방향 일원화 및 R&D투자정책의 효율성 개선에 기여하고자 한다. 기술로드맵을 활용한 R&D투자정책은 기술로드맵의 R&D전략과 R&D사업별 예산편성을 연계할 수 있는 논리적 근거가 필요하다. 따라서 전략기술 투자우선순위 결정을 위해 '중소기업 R&D 투자우선순위 결정모형'을 제안하고, 실증분석을 위해 기술로드맵 수립에 참여하는 전문가 46명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 기술로드맵의 전략성을 고려하더라도 중소기업의 기술개발 관련 의사결정을 모두 반영하기에는 한계가 있으나, 집중과 선택을 통한 투자우선순위 결정모형을 통하여 R&D정책의 가이드라인 역할과 R&D투자방향 일원화에 기여할 수 있다.


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Fig. 1. Research Model

Table 1. Definition of Technology Roadmap

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Table 2. Type of Technology Roadmap

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Table 3. Type of National Technology Roadmap

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Table 4. Structure of Technology Roadmap

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Table 5. Main Index of Strategic Technology

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Table 6. R&D Projects in Convergence Technology

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Table 7. R&D Projects in Green Manufacturing

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Table 8. Investment Priority in Convergence Tech.

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Table 9. Investment Priority in Green Manufacturing

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Table 10. Comparison of Comparative Advantage Technology

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Table 11. Final Comparative Advantage Technology

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