Fig. 1. Concept of a variable stiffness mechanism. The state can be changed by pulling the tendon[8-9].
Fig. 2. Palm shape and its role
Fig. 3. Example of flytrap
Fig. 4. Proposed gripping mechanism
Fig. 5. CAD model of soft robotic hand with Variable stiffness mechanism
Fig. 6. Prototype of soft robotic hand with variable stiffness mechanism
Fig. 7. Gripping motion of the soft robotic hand
Fig. 8. Gripping test (a) previous soft gripper, (b)proposed soft robotic hand
Fig. 9. Gripping shape comparison between the previous soft gripper and the proposed soft robotic hand
Fig. 10. Gripping test at 500 g
Fig. 11. Gripping test at 1000 g, and 1800 g
Fig. 12. Maximum weight gripping test: the moment when the maximum weight is exceeded and the object can not be caught
Fig. 13. Gripping test with different shapes (a)-(c) sphere, cylinder, rectangular cuboid with previous gripping mechanism respectively, (d)-(f) sphere, cylinder, rectangular cuboid with soft robot hand respectively
Table 1. Weight change for gripping experiment
Table 2. Maximum gripping weight
Table 3. Geometric parameters of each sample
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