A Study on the Change of Physical Environment in Seoul Medical Center by Providing Comprehensive Nursing Service

간호간병통합서비스 도입에 따른 서울의료원 병동부 시설환경변화 연구

  • Received : 2017.12.30
  • Accepted : 2018.02.08
  • Published : 2018.03.15


Purpose: The research looks at differences between the 'General ward' and the 'Comprehensive nursing ward' in Seoul Medical Center, regarding the facility improvements and changes in nursing services. It investigates and analyzes spatial problems and improvement needs through a survey and conduct investigation of staffs. It is to propose the primary data for the architectural planning of the future ward with the comprehensive nursing service. Methods: Targeting the comprehensive nursing ward, changes of the physical environment and spatial problems are analyzed through a field survey, behavior investigation, present-condition investigation, and floor plan analysis. Results: The workforce is increased by approximately twice the amount of the nursing staffs in the comprehensive nursing ward, compared to the pre-general ward. When utilizing the general ward, various spatial problems arise due to the restrictions of the facility condition. Because Sub N.S is an important facility as a part of the nursing work function in the ward of the comprehensive nursing service, the opinions of staffs must be considered when selecting a location and composing a space. Implications: It can be used as a primary data for the comprehensive nursing ward when architectural planning of a new hospital.



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